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Alec groaned when he woke with a splitting headache and the sun shining in his face.

"Good morning." Magnus smiled down at sleepy Alec.

"Morning." Alec groaned and covered his head with the blanket.

"Someone feeling a little ill?" Magnus chuckled.

"Not funny Magnus." Alec snapped and pushed Magnus away.

"Well if you're going to be like that then I won't make it go away." Magnus smiled evilly to himself.

"Whatever." Alec snapped again.

Magnus had never seen Alec be so nasty and snappy before that it upset him a little. He decide to ignore Alec and get up out of bed.

He decided on making Alec bacon and eggs for breakfast to help out with his hangover.

"Bacon and eggs my love?" Magnus asked as he entered the bedroom.

"Not hungry." Alec mumbled and pulled the cover further over his head.

"Baby what's wrong?" Magnus asked setting the tray down the bedside table and sitting next to Alec.

"Nothing." Alec's voice came muffled from the blanket covering his face.

Magnus moved closer to Alec and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy.

"Alexander, I know when you're lying to me." Magnus said quietly into Alec's ear and kissing his cheek.

"It's just Isabelle and stuff, they all freaked out when they saw me last night.." Alec trailed off.

"This is my fault." Magnus whispered in his husbands ear.

"And mine." Alec said in a small voice.

"So that's why you came home really drunk last night and told me how much you wanted to have sex with me the first time we met?" Magnus laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

Alec looked at Magnus with a look of pure shock on his face.

"I did not." Alec stared at Magnus.

"You did." Magnus winked.

"Oh gosh.." Alec laughed out loud.

"Come on, eat your breakfast." Magnus said setting the breakfast tray on Alec's lap.


Magnus and Alec walked along the beach as the removalist took all their things inside their new house.

"I don't want to unpack." Alec said grumpily, kicking the sand.

"Well your things can't stay in boxes forever." Magnus laughed and grabbed Alec's hand.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you." Alec stopped walking and wrapped his arms around Magnus' waist.

"All the time." Magnus smiled and leant his head down to kiss Alec's nose.

Alec didn't reply but kissed Magnus softly. Which ended up with them making out on the sand for half an hour.

"Come on, we better get back to the house." Magnus said dusting the sand off his clothes.


Alec sat on the floor of he and Magnus' new bedroom, unpacking box after box of clothes.

"Oh by the way, I forgot to tell you we're throwing a house warming party tonight." Magnus said with a grin as he put together their new bed.

"Really?" Alec rolled his eyes and threw himself back on to the floor.

"Yes." Magnus said simply with a smile.


Alec sat grumpily on a chair in the corner of what Magnus called the 'ballroom' as Magnus socialised with what looked like every Downworlder in New York.

Suddenly Isabelle collapsed on a chair next to Alec.

"I'm sorry about last night, I should never have spoke to you like that." Isabelle spoke quietly, sounding sorry for herself.

Alec looked at his sister and yanked her into a side ways hug.

"Magnus told me what you did last night." Isabelle spoke again just as quietly as before.

"He did?" Alec asked embarrassed.

"He called and asked what I'd done to upset you so much." Izzy explained sadly.

"And did you tell him?" Alec half glared at his younger sister.

"No, that's for you to do Al. He's your husband, not mine." Isabelle hugged her brother.

"Al? You haven't called me that since we were kids." Alec laughed a little and Isabelle went off in search of Simon.


Alec searched the crowd for sparkles and cat eyes but got frustrated when he wasn't finding them.

Alec felt arms slide around his slender waist, he'd lost a lot of muscle since he was no longer training as a shadow hunter.

"Looking for me?" Magnus' seductive voice whispered into Alec's ear, sending shivers up and down his spine.

"Yes." Alec spun around in Magnus' arms and wrapped his own arms around the warlocks neck.

"I was looking for you too." Magnus said kissing Alec softly, which turned heated very quickly.

"Take me up stairs." Alec begged as Magnus placed butterfly kisses along his neck.

"No, let's enjoy the party." Magnus broke away too quickly.

"No, let's go upstairs." Alec bit his lip with lust in his eyes.

"Later baby, I promise I will give you the time of your life." Magnus winked and got lost in the sea of people again.


Magnus was saying goodbye to the last of the guests when he began to wonder where Alec had disappeared to.

"Alec?" Magnus' voice echoed through the now empty house.

"Upstairs." Alec's voice echoed back.

Magnus walked up the stairs and into their bedroom where he assumed Alec was.

"Alec?" Magnus called out again, confusion evident in his voice when he didn't see Alec.

"Bathroom." Alec called back.

When Magnus entered the bathroom Alec was sitting on the edge of their huge spa bath that had rose petals floating on the surface of the water and tiny tea light candles were lit all over the place. Not to mention Alec was only wearing a towel.

"Hello." Magnus winked and bit his lip.

"Care to join?" Alec asked dropping the towel and stepping towards Magnus.

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