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"I don't see how this is going to work." Alec said in a muffled voice, trying not to fall over as Magnus pulled his shirt up over his head.

"Baby I can make anything work." Magnus winked at his lover when he'd successfully removed his shirt.

"We can hardly move as it is." Alec said trying to take his shoes off.

"What's it matter?" Magnus laughed and began to undress himself.

"And people saw us coming in here." Alec blushed bright red.

"So what? You know I'd go to any extreme to screw you. Shit I would have even done it back in our seats." Magnus said casually with a shrug.

"You're disgusting." Alec said slapping Magnus' arm.

"Only for you." Magnus winked and then began to undo Alec's pants.

"Everyone is staring.." Alec trailed off and hid partway behind Magnus as they walked down the isle of the plane back to their assigned seats.

"What hasn't anyone ever seen a gay couple before?" Magnus asked loudly and Alec smacked his shoulder.

Alec felt safer in their seats away from peoples staring eyes. He never thought people could be so judgmental.


"Alec, baby, wake up." Magnus spoke softly in Alec's ear and stroked his cheek lightly.

They had just arrived at Rome Urbe Airport, Alec had slept most the way here, where as Magnus hadn't slept a wink. He'd always had trouble sleeping on planes, not that he got them often.

"Where is here?" Alec groaned as he stretched, eyes still closed.

"We're in Rome." Magnus laughed and waited for Alec's response.

"Really!?" Alec screamed as his eyes snapped open.

"Really." Magnus laughed again and got up to collect their hand luggage from the over head compartment. 


When they arrived at the hotel all Alec wanted to do was explore but Magnus was exhausted from not sleeping the whole way there.

"We'll explore tomorrow okay?" Magnus yawned and collapsed back on to the bed.

"But I want to explore now." Alec sulked and kicked his shoes off at the end of the bed.

"Come here." Magnus said opening his arms for Alec, giving him his best pout.

Alec obeyed and climbed on to the bed and into Magnus' embrace.

"I promise in the morning I'll get up whenever you want me to and we'll go exploring okay?" Magnus smiled and kissed Alec's neck.

"Okay." Alec sighed and pouted, getting comfortable in Magnus' arms.

"How about we order some pizza and watch movies in bed tonight?" Magnus suggested.

"Fine." Alec pouted again and picked up the stack of takeaway menus left on the bedside table.


Magnus grinned as Alec stared around the Colosseum in complete awe.

"Magnus I love you so much! This place is amazing!" Alec grinned and kissed Magnus.

They spent the day exploring Rome and seeing all the tourist attractions and eating the finest of Italian foods.

When they'd gotten back to the hotel Magnus was grouchy and sat down to watch TV, which wasn't something he often did.

"What's wrong?" Alec asked in a small voice as he sat next to the cat-eyed warlock on the expensive Italian leather sofa.

"Nothing." Magnus grumbled and flicked through the channels on the TV for something remotely interesting to watch.

"Don't lie." Alec rolled his eyes and snatched the remote from Magnus' hands.

"I thought honeymoons were all about sex, not sightseeing. You turned down all my sexual advances today." Magnus commented, not meeting Alec's stare.

"We didn't travel to the other side of the world just to have sex did we?" Alec half joked.

"Well, no, but come on Alec. I'm a man and I have needs!" Magnus exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air, then slumping back into the sofa.

Alec laughed and stood up to leave the room, making Magnus even grouchier.

Magnus was in the middle of watching a corny sitcom when Alec walked back into the room and stood in front of the tv. Naked.

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