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The moment Alec and Magnus walked into the reception people were grabbing them and hugging them and asking them to dance but all they really both wanted was to be together.

After hours of dancing with people they knew Magnus found Alec and snatched him away from some aunt of his.

"My turn." Magnus grinned and pulled Alec into a slow dance.

Alec looked up into Magnus beautiful cat like eyes and slightly bit his lip.

"Alexander, don't." Magnus scolded his husband and looked away into the sea of dancing people.

"Why?" Alec teased, resting his head on Magnus' shoulder.

"Because you know when you do that that I just want to bend you over and bang you into oblivion." Magnus spoke without a stutter.

"Why?" Alec said again and giggled.

Magnus ignored him, but he couldn't ignore how turned on he was by Alec's lip biting and what usually happened after he did it. Magnus pulled Alec closer to hide the bulge in his pants.

After speeches were done and everyone was very drunk, it was time to say goodbye to the grooms and wish them luck for there honeymoon.

Magnus and Alec got into the big black limousine and it drove them back to Magnus apartment, now their apartment.

As soon as Magnus shut and locked the front door he picked Alec up by surprise and carried him off to the bedroom where he could get finish what Alec started before the reception.


In the morning Magnus woke up and smiled as he looked down at Alec sleeping peacefully, he now got to look forward to this everyday for the rest of their lives.

Magnus slipped out if bed to go and cook his husband a nice big breakfast.

Magnus cooked bacon, eggs, sausages and toast. Alec's favourite. He also made him a giant cup of coffee and decided on being cliché and picked a little flower from the windowsill to put on the tray.

Magnus set the breakfast tray on the bedside table and straddled the sleeping Alec.

"Wake up." Magnus said quietly in Alec ear and thrusted on him a little.

Alec smiled but didn't open his eyes.

"Come on, your breakfast is going cold." Magnus got up to get the breakfast tray.

Alec yawned and opened his eyes as he pushed himself into a sitting position.

"Baby you didn't have to get up and make me breakfast." Alec grinned, taking the tray from Magnus' hands.

"Shh, just eat it." Magnus laughed.

After breakfast was over Magnus washed the dishes and make his way back to the bedroom.

Alec was sitting in bed, still naked from the night before, making Magnus grin at the memory.

"Damn boy." Magnus said opening the wardrobe and throwing Alec a dressing gown.

"Now there is something we need to discuss." Magnus said sitting on the bed next to Alec.

"What?" Alec said worriedly with a frown.

"Do you still want to go ahead with the immortal spell?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, oh I completely forgot with everything going on. Can we do it today?" Alec asked hopefully with a gleam in his eyes.

"Yes." Magnus spoke without hesitation.

Magnus left the bedroom and began to set up everything he needed for the spell.

After everything was set up and Alec was present, Magnus began to chant the spell.

Alec couldn't stop grinning the whole time Magnus was chanting. Then his marks began to fade, which made him a little sad but at least now he knew the spell was working and that he was going to be with Magnus forever.

Spells (malec) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now