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It had been 3 days since Magnus had been over to talk to Alec and he still hadn't heard a word from him.

Magnus picked up his phone to text Alec but before he could begin there was a knock on his front door, sighing he stood from his desk and walked over to the door.

Magnus wondered who could be visiting at this time of the morning. 3:25am to be precise.

Magnus opened the door and inch but all he could see was a black hooded figure.


*earlier that day*

Alec had been doing a lot of thinking about what he and Magnus had talked about the other day. Weighing up the pros and cons.

Pros being that he'd never age another day, he'd never die, he'd loose all the hideous black marks on his skin and most importantly, he'd be with Magnus for the rest of eternity.

Cons being that he'd never be allowed to enter the institute again, his family and friends would most likely shun him and he'd never fight in another battle again.

Alec knew deep down what he wanted but in the same token he didn't want to betray his family or disgrace the Lightwood name.

Alec made his way down to his mothers office and found her seated at the big wooden desk, looking through some papers.

"Mum." Alec spoke quietly, looking at the floor.

"Oh Alec what a nice surprise! I thought you'd never leave that room again." Maryse exclaimed and removed her glasses from her face.

"I want to call a family meeting." Alec announced, feeling sick to his stomach at the thought.

"What's the matter, what's happened?" Maryse had that worried motherly look in her eyes.

"I want to tell everyone together." Alec said leaving the room to gather up the rest of the family.

Once everyone was seated in the library Alec could feel all eyes on him and by the angel was he nervous.

"Okay Alec dear, go ahead." Maryse smiled.

"Magnus came to visit me the other night with news of a spell. The spell turns any living being immortal at their own choice without the side effects, for example; drinking blood. I have made a choice to under go the spell because I am deeply, deeply in love with Magnus and I want to be with him for all of eternity." Alec spoke quietly, looking down at his shoes.

They all stared wide eyed and open mouthed at the words that had just left Alec's mouth.

Maryse was first to speak.

"I don't 100% support your decision but I want you to be happy and with the person you love." Maryse smiled weakly with tears in her eyes.

They all knew that if Alec followed through with his choice that he'd no longer be a shadow hunter or be allowed to live in the institute because that was just the way it was.

Jace was next to speak.

"I think your decision is very foolish. But you'll always be my parabatai and my brother, I always support you." Jace laid his hand on Alec's shoulder.

Isabelle said nothing but got up and hugged Alec as tight as she could with a huge smile on her face. That had to be good right?

Robert Lightwood was next to speak.

"You have brought disgrace to the Lightwood name. You are no son of mine!" Robert boomed and stalked out of the room.

As soon as the door slammed Alec was in tears. Maryse joined him by his side and hugged him closely.

"You know what your father is like, he'll come around eventually." She soothed and rubbed his back.

Back in his room, Alec began to pack his belongings. He knew what he wanted now and that was to be with Magnus.


The hooded figure pushed the door fully open and grabbed Magnus by the shirt front. Magnus feared for his life a little as the figure pushed him further inside and slammed him into the wall next to the door.

Once the door had been closed and locked, the figure removed their hood.

Spells (malec) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now