The Battle

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Before The Clave could reach Magnus, one of Sebastian's goons spotted them.

Magnus was dragged inside before he could become part of the battle.

Once being dragged through endless corridors, Magnus was thrown into another dark room and the door was once again locked.

Magnus let his eyes adjust, when they did he could see something in the corner of the room, he let blue sparks fly from his fingers to light up the room.

The figure was Alec, laying crumpled on the floor. A pool of blood around his head. Magnus' heart stopped at the sight of it all.

He rushed over quickly and kneeled down, pulling Alec into his lap, he was breathing but barely.

Magnus chanted a healing spell until Alec opened his eyes fully and fixated them on Magnus' cat ones.

"Magnus, what happened? Is everyone okay?" Alec asked trying to sit up but dizzily fell down again due to blood loss.

"I.. I don't know Alec. I saw The Clave coming over the hill, but when Sebastian's henchmen saw them they threw me down here and I found you." Magnus explained.

"We have to go help them." Alec said determinedly and struggled to his feet.

"You're too weak to fight Alexander." Magnus said pulling the messy haired boy towards him.

"Magnus I'm fine, please. My family is out there!" Alec pleaded looking Magnus in the eyes.

Magnus couldn't refuse a begging Alec under any circumstance and he hated it.

"Fine." Magnus gave in and pulled him towards the door.

Now that his hands weren't tied behind his back Magnus could brake the door down with his magic, the stupid goon didn't think about that.

Once outside Alec launched himself into the battlefield before Magnus could blink an eye.

Magnus scanned the battlefield looking for Sebastian, but of course he was nowhere to be found. Why would he fight when he had hundreds of people to do it for him? Not that you could call them people anymore...

Magnus launched himself in battle, jumping over crumpled bodies on the ground, blood smeared through the grass making it very slippery.


Alec raced toward where he could see Jace fighting off several of Sebastian's half man half demon army. Jace saw him coming and flung him a seraph blade.

"Nakir." Alec cried and swung into battle beside his brother.

After the endarkened were defeated the Clave searched everywhere on the property for Sebastian, but again he'd slipped away, most likely hiding away already planning his next move.


A/N: I know this isn't a great update but it's the best I could do!

I really hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writing it!

Thank you all for the positive feed back too, if it weren't for you guys I don't think I'd keep writing. You guys are the best!

Spells (malec) EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora