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When Magnus woke he rolled over lazily to wrap his arms around Alec.

"Good morning." Magnus smiled as he kissed the younger boy all over his neck and shoulders.

Alec shivered and rolled over to face the messy haired, makeup-less warlock.

"Good morning." Alec gave Magnus a sexy grin.

They laid making out until things got heated, just as things were about to happen, the door flung open.

"Holy shit!" Magnus cried and grabbed at the sheets to cover their still naked bodies.

"Oh dear me, I didn't mean to interrupt." Sebastian grinned.

Alec went bright red and hid under the sheets. It wasn't the first time they'd been caught, but Sebastian was virtually a stranger which made it all the more awkward.

Sebastian wanted Magnus to begin turning the army this morning. All they could do was hope the clave was on its way.

Sebastian's henchmen took Alec away to call the shadow hunters while Magnus was taken outside to begin the spell.


In another dark, dingy room that had no windows Sebastian handed Alec a cell phone.

"I want you to call Jace and I want you to tell him that I have you trapped here." Sebastian smiled evilly as he pointed to a location on a map and pushed the cell phone into Alec's hand.

The phone rang 3 times before Jace picked up.

"Hello?" Jace sounded confused.

"Jace, it's me, Alec." Alec swallowed hard.

Then the line went dead. Alec knew this had to be all part of Magnus' master plan.

"He hung up.." Alec made a confused face and trailed off.

"What do you mean he hung up?" Sebastian ragged.

"He hung up." Alec shrugged.

Sebastian struck him hard across the head in a fit of rage and everything went black.


Magnus took his time "preparing" for the spell and worrying about where Sebastian had taken Alec.

"What time is it?" Magnus asked impatiently.

"It's 9am." One of the dopey henchmen replied.

Magnus nodded and beckoned the first of Sebastian's army forward to under go the spell.

Magnus' heart skipped a beat as he saw them coming over the hill.

The Clave.

Spells (malec) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now