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After all the bodies had been burnt and everyone payed their respects to the fallen shadow hunters everyone headed back to their homes.

Magnus lead an exhausted Alec back to the Lightwood's expensive car and they all drove the two back to Magnus' apartment in silence.

Alec had fallen asleep in the car so Magnus carried the surprisingly light boy up into the apartment and laid him on the sofa.

Magnus was in the middle of making dinner when he felt arms snake around his waist and lips kissing the back of his neck.

"Alexander. Gideon. Lightwood." Magnus groaned out.

"That's my name." Alec purred seductively and ran his hands down Magnus' sides.

"I'm trying to cook dinner." Magnus spun around and picked Alec up and sat him on the empty part of the counter top.

"This doesn't look much like dinner." Alec whispered and began to unbutton the warlocks shirt.

Magnus pulled away and winked at a surprised Alec.

"I'm hungry." Magnus shrugged, turning back to his cooking.

Alec glared and jumped off the counter top, heading out of the kitchen.

"Don't be grumpy Alexander." Magnus called out.

When dinner was cooked and served up Magnus carried two plates to the dining table where Alec sat, still covered in mud, blood and sweat.

"I hope you're going to have a shower before bed." Magnus commented as he picked up his cutlery.

"Only if you're joining me." Alec winked at his boyfriend across the table.

"I'll think about it." Magnus said with a mouthful of food.

They ate the rest of their dinner in silence, both knowing very well what was going to happen afterwards. Magnus wanted to make love with Alec properly, this time in their own bed with no interruptions.

Magnus cleared the table and threw all the dishes into the sink, cleaning could wait for tomorrow, he wanted his man and he wanted him now.

Alec was standing watching something on the tv when Magnus came and chucked the boy over his shoulder and carried him off to the bathroom.

After their hour long shower Magnus led a dripping wet Alec into the bedroom to continue what he had started in the shower.


When Alec woke up he wasn't alone for once and it felt good. Magnus was curled up next to him snoring lightly with his mouth wide open.

Alec smiled and pulled Magnus into his arms. He was happy they were back together and he was happy that they were going to spend eternity together.

Magnus groaned and opened his left eye a fraction.

"Good morning." Alec smiled lightly kissing his boyfriends nose.

"Morning." Magnus grumbled and snuggled his face into Alec's chest some more.

Magnus had never been a morning person. Mornings made him grumpy that he hadn't had enough sleep, that was until Alec got up and made him a giant coffee.

Alec on the other hand, he'd always been a morning person. What could be a better start than waking up to a demon hunt or some intense training? But he was about to loose that all..

Alec got up out of bed to make Magnus a coffee like every other day, but he liked that their old routine had fallen back into place.

When Alec walked back into the bedroom with Magnus' coffee Magnus was getting dressed.

"Are you feeling okay?" Alec asked jokingly, feeling Magnus' forehead.

Magnus gave him a lazy grin and took the coffee out of Alec's hands.

"I have some business to attend to this morning. I won't be long." Magnus said standing up and kissing Alec on the lips.

Alec laid boredly on the sofa watching re-runs of The Simpsons. Magnus had got him into watching it, it was funny but he was getting bored.

Magnus had been gone for 3 hours already.

"Not long my ass." Alec muttered just as the front door opened.

"Sorry I took so long." Magnus smiled as he walked towards Alec.

"It's fine." Alec grumbled and turned back to the TV.

"Go get dressed up, we have a reservation at a fancy restaurant at 6." Magnus said smacking Alec's bum as he walked past.

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