Not Over

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After the engagement party was over, Alec and Magnus were well and truly sloshed. Alec couldn't stand straight and Magnus couldn't stop telling silly stories.

Magnus was in no state to drive them back to the apartment so they decided they'd stay in the new house for the night since they'd already used the bed.

Magnus tried carrying Alec to the elevator but failed miserably, dropping the drunker boy on the floor halfway.

"Ouch." Alec pouted and stumbled to his feet.

"Sorry baby." Magnus slurred and pulled Alec to the elevator with him.

"I love the house." Alec spoke quietly as they walked down the hall to their bedroom.

"I'm glad." Magnus smiled and dragged Alec into the bedroom.


Alec woke up with a splitting headache and queasy stomach, but Magnus wasn't in bed with him a usual.

"MAGNUS." Alec screamed and then winced at the sound of his own voice ringing in his ears.

Seconds later the warlock came bursting into the room and he was at Alec's side in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Magnus panicked, feeling the boys forehead.

"I feel like I'm going to chuck my guts up." Alec whined and gave Magnus his best pout.

"What would you do without your sexy warlock fiance?" Magnus asked and chanted a quick spell to make Alec feel better.

"I have no idea." Alec smiled, feeling better already.

"Now get up and get dressed." Magnus smiled and left the room.

Alec frowned in confusion but did as he was told and met Magnus in the hallway a few minutes later.


Magnus sat on the sofa back at the apartment with Alec sprawled across his lap, they were both exhausted having spent the day exploring the beach around their new home.

Alec sat up to remove his jumper, accidentally removing his shirt at the same same.

"God damn." Magnus groaned, running his hands up and down Alec's bare chest.

"You are so fine. I don't want to wait to marry you." Magnus purred, still rubbing his fiances chest. 

Alec blushed bright red and covered himself with a giant bright blue cushion.

"Don't hide that sexy body Alexander Lightwood." Magnus snatched the cushion and pulled the half naked boy towards him again.

They laid cuddling and kissing on the large sofa for quite some time before a knock came on the door.

"Coming!" Magnus called out in frustration racing to the door.

When Magnus opened the door there was no one there but a note was left on the doormat.

The note read;

'It's not over yet.'


A/N I'm sorry the chapter is so short, I promise the next one will be better!

Spells (malec) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now