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Alec laid in between Magnus legs with his head on his lap on a nice secluded beach in Hawaii.

"This is perfect." Magnus sighed as he put his head back and soaked up the sun.

"For you maybe, but I'll end up as red as a lobster." Alec grumbled.

"Oh Alexander, quit complaining and enjoy it before someone ruins our honeymoon and calls us back to New York." Magnus chuckled and carded his fingers through Alec's soft black hair.

"Don't jinx it." Alec frowned, suddenly remembering the family he hadn't had contact with since they arrived in Rome months ago.

"I can't believe we've lasted 2 months traveling the world without anyone bothering us for anything! It's a miracle!" Magnus exclaimed.

Alec didn't bother responding and got up to make his way down to the water. He'd always liked the beach but never had much opportunity to go.

Alec waded in the water just thinking about their wedding and the amazing time he and Magnus were having on their honeymoon. He couldn't have asked for a more perfect life.

"What are you thinking about?" Magnus asked softly as he wrapped his arms around Alec waist from behind.

Alec jumped a little and wondered how he hadn't heard him coming but relaxed back into Magnus' embrace.

"About you and how amazing our wedding was and how much fun I'm having on our honeymoon." Alec smiled as he stared out into the endless blue ocean.

"I'm glad." Magnus smiled and kissed Alec's temple.


"Damn you're fine looking Mr Bane." Magnus spoke as he watched Alec walk around the hotel room in nothing but his underwear.

Alec blushed, he still wasn't used to being called by his new name but it had a nice ring to it 'Alexander Gideon Bane.'

"It's too hot to wear anything else." Alec shrugged and stretched his long arms up above his head.

"I'm not complaining, but it makes me want to do unspeakable things to you." Magnus winked and walked towards his husband.

"No." Alec laughed and backed away slowly.

Magnus advanced and Alec backed up until his back hit the floor to ceiling window of their temporary bedroom.

"Why not?" Magnus whispered and licked the shell of Alec's ear, sending shivers down the boys spine. 

All it took for Magnus to get his way was for him to kiss Alec's neck and that was the end of him.


After 3 months of traveling Alec was getting home sick so they decided on heading back to New York.

"When are we moving into the new house?" Alec asked as he sprawled out on the familiar sofa in Magnus' apartment.

"When ever we're ready. The settlement was before you even knew about the house." Magnus chuckled.

Alec laid on the sofa watching TV for a while and drifted off to sleep, he was exhausted from all their travelling.

When Magnus had finished making dinner he called out to Alec but got no response and he walked over to find Alec fast asleep on the sofa.

Magnus scooped Alec up off the sofa and carried him down to their bedroom.

Magnus laid Alec on the bed gently and tucked the covers around his lover.

Magnus laid on the bed next to Alec. He loved watching Alec sleep, his usual deadpan face completely relaxed, he almost looked like a different person.

Magnus soon found himself slowly drifting off to sleep and wrapped his arms around Alec.

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