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When the hood was removed relief washed over Magnus, he saw raven hair and blue eyes.


"Alexander! Don't scare me like that! And what are you doing here at this time of the morning?" Magnus placed a hand over his heart and stared at the boy with wide eyes.

"I'm here to claim my warlock. Now shut up." Alec said pressing his body close to Magnus and kissing him with every ounce of love in him.

Magnus collapsed back into the pillows, he'd never had such wild sex in his life and he felt great.

Alec collapsed onto the bed next to Magnus and snuggled into his arms.

"I love you." Magnus whispered into Alec's ear as he played with his messy hair.

"I love you too." Alec yawned and fell asleep instantly.

Magnus laid in bed for a while cuddling Alec and smiling to himself that he had the love of his life back.

After a few hours Magnus peeled a sleeping Alec off him and went back to his desk where he kept the spell book locked away safely in a draw, he'd also made back ups and kept them hidden around the house incase anything were to happen to the book.

Magnus needed to try the spell out before he preformed it, he wasn't taking any risks.

He already had a candidate and had arranged to meet her just before dawn, A young vampire girl who longed to never drink a drop of blood again.

Magnus made his way to the address the girl had given him, a small alley way a few blocks from his apartment.

"Magnus? Magnus Bane?" A girls voice echoed off the alley walls.

"Yes, it is I." He stepped forward a little more to get a better look at her.

"We can not preform the spell here." He told her.

"Of course we can not. How ridiculous!" A familiar males voice came through the darkness.

Magnus began backing away slowly, but before he could he was surrounded. He should have known she was working with someone by the shadiness of the whole arrangement.

Just as a someone stepped into the light everything went black.


When Alec woke up he was alone, which didn't surprise him. Magnus had probably been up all night perfecting that spell.

When Alec looked at the clock and realised it was already midday, but Magnus probably wouldn't notice since he alway lost track of time.

Alec padded into the living room, he could see Magnus sitting on his desk chair facing the window. Most likely reading a spell book of some kind.

Alec sneakily walked towards the chair in hopes of frightening Magnus, but he only got half way before the chair swung around.

"Hello Alec, long time no see." Sebastian smiled evilly.

"What are you doing here? What have you done with Magnus?" Alec screeched in a panic and lunged towards Sebastian.

Sebastian jumped out of the way, he was quick. Quicker than a normal shadow hunter.

"He safe, unless you don't cooperate of course." Sebastian smiled his signature evil smile again.

"I'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe and alive." Alec said without hesitation.

Suddenly two men came into the apartment and blind folded and man handled Alec out of the building.


When Magnus finally woke up he was in a small dark room and he was chained to a pipe on the wall.

The last thing he remembered was going to meet up with vampire girl and being surrounded, now he was here.

Magnus tried for ages to think who he'd pissed off lately to figure out who had kidnapped him, it wasn't the first time this had happened.

In what felt like hours later the door of the room swung open but Magnus couldn't make out who it was.

"Hello Magnus Bane." The voice floated through the room.


"What do you want Sebastian?"Magnus asked with a sigh.

"I want you to preform that little immortal spell of yours on me and my army." He said simply with a smile.

"No." Magnus said just as simply.

"Well, I have brought a little bargaining chip." He grinned and pushed someone into the light.


"Have I persuaded you now?" He grinned sickly.

Spells (malec) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now