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"How do you feel?" Magnus asked after the spell was complete.

"Normal.. But I feel naked without my marks." Alec frowned slightly.

"You could always cover yourself in tattoos?" Magnus suggested and scooped Alec up off the floor.

"I love you and your silly ideas." Alec smiled and kissed Magnus' cheek.

"I love you too." Magnus grinned.

"It really is forever now and I couldn't be happier." Alec kissed Magnus' lips this time.


"I don't know what to pack!" Alec screeched at Magnus who was on the other side of their bedroom packing his own bag.

They were to set off on their honeymoon the next morning and still hadn't packed.

"Relax." Magnus said crossing the room and wrapping his arms around Alec's slim waist.

"I can't." Alec whined and laid his head on Magnus' shoulder.

"I said relax." Magnus spoke as he began kissing Alec's neck.

"Magnus." Alec groaned and squirmed in Magnus' hold.

"Yes?" Magnus asked in between kisses.

"We are never going to get any packing done if you keep distracting me." Alec pulled away gently and kept packing.

After their packing was done and their bags where waiting by the front door, Magnus collapsed on the bed.

Alec joined him not long after, laying his head on Magnus' chest.

"So you really aren't going to tell me where we are going?" Alec asked.

"No Alexander." Magnus yawned, wrapping his arms around the beautiful man next to him.

"Let's go to sleep, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." Magnus pulled Alec closer and covered them in the big thick blanket.


"I don't see why couldn't have just portaled somewhere." Alec grumbled as they boarded the plane.

"Because, we're going to do things like normal people." Magnus laughed and kissed Alec's cheek.

They were an hour into their 12 hour flight before Alec started complaining again.

"How much longer?" Alec whined.

"11 hours." Magnus said blankly as he stared out the window.

Alec sighed and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Come here grumpy." Magnus opened his arms.

Alec scooted over and cuddled into his husbands arms.

"Go to sleep baby." Magnus said as he stroked Alec's soft black hair.


When Alec woke up he had a sore neck and an awkward situation going on down below. He groaned and crossed his legs.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Magnus chuckled and stroked Alec's leg.

Alec grunted and rubbed his eyes.

"Alexander!" Magnus exclaimed laughing.

"What?" Alec asked confused, though he knew what Magnus was talking about.

Magnus inclined his head towards Alec's crotch and grinned wider.

Alec went red and tried to cover up the fact that he had a erection in public.

"How about we join the mile high club?" Magnus winked but Alec just looked at him confused.

"It's when people have sex on airplanes." Magnus whispered seductively.

"Magnus Bane!" Alec looked at him, shock written all over his face.

"What? People do it!" Magnus wriggled his eyebrows at Alec.

"Fine. Anything to get rid of this." Alec gestured towards his crotch and let Magnus drag him down to the rest rooms.

Spells (malec) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now