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Alec was curled up in Jace's lap in the living room as The Silent Brother's tried their last attempt to save Magnus' life.

"I-I c-can't live with out h-him." Alec sobbed into Jace's chest, soaking his his navy blue tshirt.

"Shh." Jace shushed and stroked Alec's hair.

It felt like what had been hours since The Silent Brothers had removed Alec from the room to try their last spell, but in reality it had only been 10 minutes and they weren't nearly done.

The minutes went agonisingly slowly as Alec watched the clocked.

"Time will only go slower if you keep watching the clock Alec.." Jace said gently and continued to stoke Alec's hair.

Alec wished more than anything in the world that it were Magnus stroking his hair, not Jace.


Alec had fallen asleep to the calming feeling of Jace stroking his hair and rubbing his back, but he was woken by someone lightly shaking his shoulder.

Alec opened his big blue eyes to discover that it had turned dark, then he began to panicked at the thought of Magnus.

"How could you let me fall asleep!? Is Magnus okay?" Alec nearly yelled at his adoptive brother.

"You were tired Al.. Come with me." Jace said pulling Alec up off the couch with him.

"Answer my question!" Alec screamed and snatched his arm away from Jace.

"Come with me." Jace said sternly and pulled Alec along with him.

Jace led Alec to Magnus and Alec's bedroom but Alec stopped dead before Jace could reach the door.

"I don't want to see him like that." Alec broke down and crumpled to the ground.

Jace helped Alec up off the floor and eventually convinced him that seeing Magnus was a good idea.

Alec entered the bedroom to face Magnus' cold lifeless body and took a seat on the side of the bed.

"Hey." Alec whispered, taking Magnus' limp, still warm hand in his own.

"I know you can't hear me, but I'd like to think you can." Alec broke down, still hold Magnus' hand.

"I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. You are my world and I'm never going to move on, ever. Part of me just wants to die with you, but part of me knows it's wrong and you wouldn't want me to do that. The day you asked me to marry you had to be the best day of my life.. And that wedding, it was more perfect than I could ever have imagined. I seriously saw us together forever until that stupid Sebastian decided killing you was a good idea. I'm going to have his head on a stake." Alec cried angrily.

Alec sat for five minutes thinking of all the nasty and awful ways he could kill Sebastian for taking his love away from him.

"That was beautiful, but I'm not dead yet." Magnus croaked and squeezed Alec's hand.

"Magnus!" Alec cried and spun around to pull Magnus into a light hug.

"Careful." Magnus wheezed as Alec landed on his wound.

"I'm sorry." Alec said stroking a finger down Magnus' beautiful tanned face.

They sat in silence just staring into each others eyes until the door creaked open.

"Come on Al-Magnus!? You're alive!" Jace exclaimed rushing over to the bed.

Magnus chuckled lightly and squeezed Alec's hand.

"They said you were dead.." Jace said coming over to the bed to take a better look at Magnus.


The Silent Brother's had said Magnus would heal at mundane speed because the magic they'd used was very powerful.

Eventually The Silent Brothers, Catarina and Jace had all left to give Magnus and Alec some alone time.

Magnus was propped up on the sofa upstairs while Alec cooked for them.

"Do you need some help?" Magnus called down the stairs when he'd heard Alec cussing.

Alec never did the cooking Magnus had always taken that role in the relationship since he knew Alec couldn't cook to save his life.

"I'm fine." Alec yelled back, still crashing around.

"Can you come up here for a moment?" Magnus asked.

Alec was up the stairs before Magnus could blink.

"What's wrong?" Alec said in a panicky tone.

"Nothing." Magnus smiled and attempted to pull Alec down on top of him.

"I'm trying to cook dinner." Alec frowned and tried to pull away.

"I don't care, we'll get take out. Now come here." Magnus gave Alec his Cheshire Cat grin and pulled him down into his lap.


"Wow.. I seriously could never imagine myself having sex with anyone other than you." Alec ran a hand through his sweaty hair and collapsed on the bed next to his lover.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing that this is forever then isn't it?" Magnus smiled and wrapped and arm around Alec's bare torso.

"I love you Magnus." Alec smiled mostly to himself.

"And I love you Alexander." Magnus mumbled before falling into a deep sleep.


A/N: I am so sorry that this took forever to come out. I had really bad writers block. But yay Magnus is back!

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