The Institute

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*1 month later*

Magnus had grown tired of the endless search for the spell. He hadn't slept properly in weeks because all he could think about when he laid down was that gosh darn spell and when he finally got to sleep all he could dream about was Alec and it was killing him.

Magnus only knew one person who might have that spell book but he really didn't want to see that particular person since they had helped cause him and Alec's brake up.

Magnus dialled the bitches number and waited patiently for her to pick up.

"Ah Magnus Bane. How lovely of you to call." Camille's smooth voice echoed the through the phone, sending unpleasant shivers down Magnus' spine.

"I'm not calling to chat Camille, I mean business." Magnus replied with a bored tone.

"And what may this business be?" She asked in a very interested voice.

"There is a spell book in your library that I need and I was wondering if I may borrow it." Magnus said as nicely as he could.

"You may come and borrow the book but if I ever need a favor I'll know who to call." He could almost hear the smile in her voice as he hung up the phone.

Nothing ever came without a price for Camille Bellcourt.

She gave him an address for somewhere in Manhattan, most likely her new home.

Magnus arrived at the Manhattan address, just as he expected, it was her new home. Before he could make it up the front porch steps Camille's footman swung the door open.

Once inside Magnus was informed that Camille wasn't home. He was was instantly relieved, he didn't want to see the bitch anyway.

The library was full of floor to ceiling book shelves and Magnus could not see a single spare space, it was going to be a long afternoon.

After 2 hours of searching Magnus was ready to give up, he had one book shelf left to search and he was hoping and praying it would be there.

He was on to the second shelf when he spotted the small blue velvet bound book and he knew that's what he had been searching for.

Magnus snatched the book off the shelf eagerly and began to flick through the pages until he found the spell. After all this searching it seemed too good to be true.

Magnus held the book to his chest as he began to cry. He needed to get home as soon as possible. He needed to call Alec. Better yet, he needed to see Alec.

When Magnus reached the institute he knocked on the heavy wooden door waiting for someone to answer, trying not to bounce up and down with excitment.

Spells (malec) EDITINGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ