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When Alec woke he was alone in the warlocks huge bed that had far too many pillows, he smiled as he remembered the events of last night. Maybe Magnus did still love him after all.

Alec showered and dressed before taking himself to the kitchen to make himself a coffee in one of the many humongous coffee mugs that Magnus owned.

As Alec entered the kitchen he found a note stuck to the coffee machine with his name on it.

He unfolded it an began to read;

"Dear Alec, I could not bear to face you this morning after last nights events, I am very embarrassed and sorry for the way I acted. I did not in anyway wish to lead you on and have you think that there was still hope for us. Please do not take this harshly for I did not wish to hurt you in any way. Again I am truly, truly sorry and I sincerely hope you can forgive me. Magnus Bane."

Alec crushed the paper in his delicate hands and threw it across the kitchen. He could feel tears coming on, but wiped them away before they could spill.

Alec collected his belongings and left Magnus' apartment, slamming the door shut behind him.


Magnus wondered around the streets of New York trying to think of anything but Alec but he just couldn't seem to shake the thought of him.

When Magnus had finally had enough of walking he portaled himself back to his apartment, hopefully Alec would have woken and left by now.

Magnus sat at his desk with a bottle of wine and a million spell books in front of him, he wasn't giving up the search until he found it and he had Alec. But Magnus had a feeling that trying to convince Alec would be the hard part, perhaps even harder than finding the spell in the first place.

When Magnus had finally looked up from his books it was light outside. He glanced down at his watch to discover it was 10am already. This didn't bother him and he continued to go through the books, sleep was for the weak anyway.


Magnus had no clue how many days he'd sat at his desk without eating or sleeping, the only exception he made was toilet brakes. He hadn't even checked or answered his phone in all that time either.

When he'd grown too over tired he snatched up his phone off the desk and headed down the hall to his bedroom. When he'd undressed and climbed into bed he checked his phone.

30 missed calls and 50 text messages just from Alec, he also had calls from Isabelle, Clary, Simon, Jace and a heap from the New York institute as well.

Magnus sighed exhaustedly as he turned off his phone and collapsed into the bed. He would read through Alec's messages when he woke up.

Magnus fell asleep nearly straight away when his head hit the pillow and his dreams were full of raven hair and blue eyes, just like they had been since the night he met Alec.


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