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Alec sat across the table from Magnus as they ate their breakfast in complete silence the next morning.

Alec was thinking of ways to tell Magnus about what had happened when he visited the institute the other night.

"Magnus. I need to tell you something." Alec said quietly, looking down at his empty plate.

"What is it?" Magnus asked, curiosity in his eyes.

"You know the other night when I went to the institute? Well I lied about why I was upset." Alec blurted out quickly.

"Come here and tell me all about it baby." Magnus pushed his chair out and patted his lap.

Alec reluctantly got up and went to sit on Magnus' lap.

"Well, go on then." Magnus said rubbing Alec's back soothingly.

"When I got to the institute, Iz, mum, Jace and I were having dinner and Sebastian showed up." Alec gulped down the lump in his throat.

"Alec.. Why didn't you tell me? What happened?" Magnus asked in a panic.

"I was scared okay? But remember how I went missing all those months ago?" Alec asked Magnus.

"How could I forget?" Magnus said, a little annoyed that Alec hadn't told him what was going on earlier.

"Well, it was Sebastian. He took me and he told me that he had every intention of slitting my throat infront of Jace before you showed up to save me." Alec sniffed and buried his face into his husbands neck.

"I don't get it. Then why the memory block?" Magnus wondered out loud.

"So I wouldn't remember what happened or the places he took me. Or the things I did." Alec's voice broke on the last word and he burst into tears, Magnus held him closely.

"But that isn't all he came for. He came to warn us that there will be war and he will end the Nephilim." Alec cried.

"It won't be the end of the Nephilim because I am going to find him and cut his head from his shoulders, tonight. This is war." Magnus said angrily and lifted Alec off his lap to storm down to his study and slammed the door.

A few hours later Alec decided to take Magnus some food and a big mug of coffee.

"Magnus?" Alec asked quietly as he knocked on the door.

"I'm busy Alexander." Magnus grumbled from the other side of the door.

"I brought you food." Alec spoke again.

A second later the door of Magnus' study opened.

"Even when I'm angry beyond words you still know how to make me smile without trying." Magnus smiled and stepped aside for Alec to enter the room.

Alec set the tray of food on Magnus' desk, careful not to spill coffee on any of his books.

"I'm sorry for reacting like that. I'm just so fucking angry that he laid a hand on you." Magnus said sipping his coffee, Alec hardly ever heard Magnus swear so he tried not to laugh.

Magnus grabbed Alec by the shirt front and pull him close, wrapping his arms around Alec waist.

"If anything ever happened to you, I don't know how I'd live." Magnus said with tears welling up in his eyes.

"I couldn't live without you either." Alec pushed some hair out of Magnus' face and kissed him.


Alec sat on the large sofa in he and Magnus' house watching T V with Isabelle and Jace while Maryse and Magnus were in the study devising a plan on how they would kill Sebastian.

"TV is so boring!" Isabelle complained.

"Shut up." Jace mumbled staring at the TV screen.

"What do you think Sebastian really wants with me?" Alec asked after the TV show was over.

"He wants revenge on Jace, it's as simple as that." Isabelle spoke.

"It isn't that simple Izzy. He's planning something, I can feel it.." Jace said with a frown on his angel face.


"YES!" Magnus screamed all of a sudden and startled Maryse.

"What is it?" She asked.

"After all this time I've finally broke through and I've found Sebastian!" Magnus exclaimed and jumped out of his chair.

"So you'll have the Clave silently follow me incase I need back up yes?" Magnus asked putting his coat on.

"Yes. Where is he?" Maryse asked quietly.

"In an abandoned factory just outside of New York. Don't worry, we will have our revenge." Magnus grinned.


Magnus stood in the door way of the lounge room where Alec, Jace and Isabelle were with a grin on his face.

"Good news!" Magnus half shouted.

"Really?" Alec asked and jumped out of his chair.

"Come with me." Magnus said grabbing Alec's wrist and dragging him down to their bedroom.

As soon as the door was closed and they were alone, Magnus was all over Alec.

"What are you doing?" Alec giggled.

"I want to make love to you before I go into battle." Magnus bit Alec's neck.

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