1. In My Head

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Focus. All it takes is concentration.

My breathing was heavy. My legs were going limp. I could hear nothing but the silence in the crowd.

I laid there, on the cold black floor waiting for the music to be played.

"Next up, first year's number thirteen, Mia Grace!" The announcer said, and soon the music played.

I began to move along with the strums being played. The voice soon played, which made me get lost in the music. I was able to focus on the voice. (A/N: The actual dance is above if interested)

'I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in...'

My feet began to grow a mind of its own as I gave everything I had into my passion. I spun around and extended my leg upwards, only to gracefully fall back onto the black floor I called my home.

My whole mind went blank as I danced. Nothing could distract this moment. I've wanted this for so long, and now I finally have it.

The time I spent dancing seemed to have sped by as I found my self in the final position. The crowd erupted in applause, and no emotion was shown in my face, but I was happy.

Happy to see people taking an interest into something I love deeply. I got up, and ran off stage.

"Amazing Mia, really breathtaking," my older sister, Anissa, said and I just smiled at her.

"Thanks," I mumbled and was then embraced by my parents.

"You were absolutely incredible, outstanding performance Mia," both of my parents said and again, I just smiled.

"Thank you," I said and they both smiled.

"Can't believe our daughter achieved the principals honor scholarship," my father said and I nodded.

After shows like this, especially important ones, I get really quiet. My mind is still locked on the competition field and the more shows there are to come.

This was my first one. First of many as they told me though. The directors said I have a potential they've never seen in other dancers.

I showed them my gratitude in my dance to repay them for letting me be one of the youngest dancers to compete.

"Mia, are you there?" I looked up at my mother who I'm guessing just asked me something.

"Sorry mom, still a little sidetracked," I said and she nodded.

"It's okay Mia, I asked if you're ready to go celebrate," she repeated and I nodded.

"If it's alright, I'll just take my car, I want to stay a bit longer, but I'll meet you at the restaurant," I said and they all nodded.

"Of course, see you then sweetheart," my father said before both my parents left.

"Nice job again little brat," my sister said before running off to catch up with our parents.

I stayed there. My knees locked and in focus with the music of the final contestants preforming. I got lost again, but soon snapped out of it before more time could be wasted.

I made my way to the dressing rooms where everyone had their stuff. I grabbed my pink and grey Adidas duffle bag, and headed out the back entrance.

I searched for my keys which were hiding in the very bottom of my bag. Just then, I heard a bit of shuffling behind me. My head snapped back to see what it was, but all I could see was the dark, lurking night.

I set my bag down to look for my keys better. My knees were on the ground as I used the flashlight on my phone to search for them.

"There you are," I mumbled to myself once I had my keys in hand.

"Can't ever hide from me," I laughed to myself as I made my way towards my car.

Again, the shuffling continued. I looked back, but still saw nothing. There was this chill down my spine.

The kind of chill you feel at the very beginning of horror movies. They're stupid I know, but still manage to get you in the end.

My pace quickened, and as soon as I did that, the noise behind me sped up. Like if it were running about now.

The night seemed to have gone darker than it was before. I couldn't find my car in this crowded lot. I looked around, and pressed the alarm to hear my car.

Far to my right it could be heard. My pace was almost at jogging speed as the noise sprinted towards me. If this was a cliché horror movie, I would be killed for running, but I didn't care.

My car was the safe haven. As I made it to the driver side of the car, I knew I had won. The noise stopped, and my breathing slowed.

Another sound caught my attention though.




Everything went black.

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