8. Lilies & Orchids

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I froze, hoping he would see me, which was absolutely ridiculous of me since he was standing right behind me.

"Not going to answer my question?" He asked and I turned around to face him.

"You're really good," I said and he smiled.

"Come, let's have a chat," he said and gestured me to leave the room.

This is when shit gets real isn't it?

I walked out of the room, with Shawn following me.  I kept quiet, and so did he.  I thought he would want to punish me again, so I went in the direction of that room.

"Where are you going?" I heard him chuckle, and I turned around to face him again.

"I thought you would want to hurt me...for disobeying you," I said and he just laughed again.

"No more of that, just follow me.  I want to show you something," he said and I nodded.

Again, we both kept quiet until he led me out to the backyard.  Behind the house I had no idea there was this huge garden.  It looked like a field of flowers that anyone could get lost in.

"This is," I paused looking for the right word, "incredible."

"Isn't it? I always come here too when I need some space," he said as I looked through the garden.

"I can see why," I laughed and found my self being attracted to the types of flowers.

Weirdly, there were only two types.

"Orchids," I mumbled to myself while brushing my hand against them.

"Pretty aren't they?" He said and I nodded while turning back to him.

"How come there's only two types of flowers?" I asked and he nodded.

"Figured you would ask that.  How about we go further into the garden? There's a place where we can sit and chat," he said while picking an orchid and placing it in my hair.

"Okay," I blushed.

He took my hand in his, which made me jump at first.  I always pictured that it would be cold since he's a cold man to begin with, but it wasn't.  It almost felt like a loving feeling.

I smiled to myself at the feeling, and tucked the price of hair, that was holding the orchid, behind my ear.  Then, we finally made it to where he wanted to take me.

I took a seat on a marbled bench that was placed right in the middle of the garden.

"This is really beautiful Shawn," I said as he sat next to me.

"Thank you, now back to your question about the flowers."

"Right," I nodded.

"Well lilies and orchids were always my mothers favorite flowers.  I decided to plant them in memory of her."

In memory of her?

"Shawn, I didn't mean to overstep or anything."

"Nonsense.  You didn't, and I'm glad I'm telling you this.  I don't just want to know you, but I want you to know me too."

I didn't say anything, I just nodded.

"So yes, sadly she did pass away.  When I was ten years old.  To me, she was always my best friend.  She was the one person I could talk to, but that all went away."

"But don't you have a father?"

He then turned to me, with his eyes wide.

You're overstepping Mia.

"How do you think she died Mia?" He smirked and I just looked at him.

"Oh I'm sorry," I said and he shook his head.

"Please don't apologize, I want to tell you this."


"Anyways, I know you don't know exactly why I do what I do, but it's because of my father.  You see, as a child he always abused my mother, at least, that's what I found out six years ago."

"My father always told me that she just died because of natural causes, but after a whole investigation, they found out my father was the one who killed her."

"He always found joy in hurting her, that's what he told the whole court when he was taken to jail."

He paused, and I could tell this was hurting him.  I moved closer to him, and placed my hand on his thigh, telling him that it was okay if he didn't want to continue.

"I never wanted to follow in his footsteps, but I did.  At first I hated it, but then it turned into a hobby I guess so I loved it, but then when you came along, I'm starting to hate it now."

That's called innocence Shawn.

"That's called innocence," I said, speaking my thoughts out loud.

"What do you mean?"  He asked and I smiled.

"You're changing.  You know, at first I saw you as this horrible monster-" he cut me off before I could finish.

"I know, I heard you call me that," he laughed.

"Let me finish.  At first I saw you that way, but now, the way you are, I don't see you in the way anymore."

"Then what do you see me as?"

"Well if I'm being honest, I see you as someone who had a troubled past, and who now needs someone who can make everything better."

"And who could that someone be exactly?"

"Why me of course," I teased and he smiled.


"Yes, unless you don't want me to," I said and he shook his head.

"No, I actually wouldn't mind that."

"Good, now where exactly do I start with you?"

"What do you mean," he laughed and I just looked at him.

I then got up from the bench and held out my hand for him.

"What are you doing?"

"Come on.  We're going on a date."

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