15. Acid Rain

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My first instinct was to pull away.  My hand burned with a sensation that brought me to tears.

"I told you," I heard Shawn mumble as he took my hurting hand in his to look at it.

"I'm so sorry," he said, almost as if he were crying.

"Shawn, don't, it was an accident," I said while pressing my forehead against his.

He then pulled away, unwrapping my legs from his waist. 

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled one last time before walking out of the kitchen and back upstairs.

I knew he felt guilty, but he felt guilty for something he didn't even cause.  I pushed, and I know that, but I needed him to know how I felt.

I kept sitting on the counter, trying to gather my thoughts.  My hand began to ache.  I looked down and saw a burn strip across my hand.  It felt as if it were numb.

I looked at it, and replayed the recent events in my head.  I moved my hand up to my face and gently pinched my lips.  My lips still lingered with the taste of his.

I hopped off of the counter, having enough of what was happening.  If he thinks he can push me away, he can't.  Even if he owns me, there's no reason for us not to be together, it happens anyway.

I ran up the stairs and walked down the hallway to his room.  I didn't even bother knocking, instead I stormed into the room, not even thinking twice.

"Look, I don't care if you hurt me, I really don't.  I know I want to be with you Shawn, and I know you want the same, so why be like this?"

I saw him standing at the foot of his bed.  Running his fingers through his hair. 

"Sit," he mumbled while pointing down at the bed.

I walked over and sat down.  He then sat next to me, looking more distraught than I did.

"Look Shawn-" he cut me off before I could even get into my long rambling.

"Don't talk, please," he said and looked straight into my eyes.

Next thing I knew, his lips were touching mine again.  He never pulled away, and I did the same. We didn't want to, and I could feel it. I didn't want to do this, but part of me did.

Part knew for sure this was what I wanted. I needed this feeling towards him. Everything that I was focusing on suddenly left my mind. I wasn't thinking clearly I could tell. I felt his big hands cup the sides of my face, laying me on the bed softly.

Although I didn't know if this would last that long, I knew I had him in this moment.  It made me happy, and all of my worries just drifted away. Our kiss felt like the ones we've had before, but stronger.

Before I knew it, he pulled away, allowing me to watch him remove his shirt. I smiled and pulled him back to my lips. He laid on top of me and began kissing down my neck.

"Please tell me what you're thinking," he muttered while he started kissing along the rim of my chest.

I knew what he was talking about, and when I tried to say something, no words came out. I couldn't say anything. He made me speechless, like always.

"Please...tell me," he muttered once more and kissed under my chin.

"I-I love you S-Shawn," I choked out and his lips instantly crashed against mine.

"And I love you, don't ever think twice about it," he smiled and kissed me once more.

Even if he was a horrible monster, I didn't care.  I knew that deep down there was someone I could love.  I know that in his heart, he has the ability to love.

All I had to do was bring it out.  It's a process that takes time.  With him, I'll take that time to wait.  Waiting for him only shows how much I love him.

I then broke our kiss and to remove more clothing items.  He helped me slip out of my hoodie, into only my bra.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered which caused me to blush.

"I love you," I mumbled and attacked his lips again.

More clothing stripped from our bodies, only leaving us in undergarments.  I tried to go farther, but he pulled away.

"Not tonight, let's just sleep," he said, kissing my forehead softly.

"Okay," I nodded, while trying to get up from his bed, and go to my room.

"I meant you sleep here with me," he said and I nodded.

"Okay," I mumbled one more time before he pulled me back into his arms.

I snuggled up into his chest, as he held me tight.  I liked this feeling.  I didn't know how long it would last for, but I'll take what I can any day.

"I love you," I mumbled into his chest and I could feel him smile through his breath.

"I love you too," he whispered and placed a small kiss on the top of my head.


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