21. Slightly Broken

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I woke up in a different setting.  Instead of the dark room I once was in, I was surrounded by bright lighting.

People were surrounding the place.  People being wheeled down different halls.  People crying for their lost ones.

Why was I here? Why was I in a hospital?

Then something else caught my attention.  A set of double doors sprung open revealing another person being wheeled down the hall.

But this time, I felt a pull towards that person.  I followed them and found out why I was so intrigued by what was being pulled down.

It was me.

I followed the doctor who was pushing me to a room, while someone else could be heard crying from my side.

"Don't worry sir, we'll do everything we can for her, just please let us do our job," he said and turned to the person who was causing so much commotion.

"Please just please save her, I can't live without her," he said and I felt my heart ache at the sight of him.

Blood covered his hands.  A black eye forming on his face.  Cuts along his jaw and lip.  His hair messy and distraught.  Shirt was covered in blood while being unbuttoned at the top.

I remember the sight of seeing my blood pouring out from my stomach.  How much it was.  How much pain I was in.  He probably held me, praying for it to not be real.

But his cuts were from something else.  I finally realized what had happened downstairs.  A full blown fight broke out. So much pain had been caused from this.

I watched his facial features carefully as he began to calm himself down.  I only wished I could heal him.  To talk to him and tell him that everything will be okay, but it wasn't.  I was the one hurt, and couldn't do a thing about it.

And he didn't know that I could see him right now.


Seven hours.  I've been trapped in some room for seven hours.  I didn't know what was happening expect that they were trying to save me.  Save me from death and leaving the one I love.

This whole time I've been walking around the halls waiting for someone to say something. Shawn hadn't left since I've been here.

He's sat in the same position, looking more lost than ever. Lisa and Larry had come a few hours after, and stayed by Shawn's side.

I would hear him say that he could lose me, and then break down into more tears. I never thought that the man I thought was a monster in the beginning could care for me so much.

Seeing this makes me aware of how much he really does love me. I wanted to somehow wake up and show him the same, but instead we're stuck waiting.

Waiting for the unknown. Waiting in an abyss full of darkness. Just then, I felt a strange pull start to take over my ghost body. I looked down at my hands to see them begin to slowly be sucked away by something I wasn't so sure of.

Do we already have an outcome?

I guess now it's time to see what's about to happen.


I woke up, my head throbbing, and my body sore. I thought everything that had happened to me was a big dream, but when I looked down, I knew it wasn't.

My stomach was wrapped in bandages as the rest of my body was covered. I looked around the room to seem nothing except the white walls that held me.

I heard a knock on the door and watched as someone walked into the room.

"S-Shawn," I mumbled as he walked to my side slowly.

"Y-you're okay," he said, taking my hand in his, and gently kissing it.

"W-what about y-you?" I asked, examining his face carefully.

"I-I'm alright."

"What did h-he do to you?"

He went quiet as I asked that question which had me worried.


Again, nothing.

"Mia, I-I'm so sorry."

"Shawn, what happened?"

Just like earlier, he broke into tears again. I could tell he was trying to fight it, but failed in the end.

"Shawn, please tell me."

"Y-you're dad h-he," he paused, trying to gather his words.

"Shawn please, just tell me."

"Y-you're dad killed our baby."

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