14. Scars & Burns

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I was laying down in my bed, just beginning to end my crying.  I didn't even know what time it was, but I could tell it was late at night.  I haven't left my bed since my last conversation with Shawn.

He hasn't even come in to check on me.  Which I didn't mind since I'm really not okay.  I didn't want to see him.  Even if I'm stuck with him, I'll do anything to avoid him.

I decided, instead of constantly crying, I would head downstairs to grab a glass of water, hoping it could help me sleep.  The room was freezing, so I bet the whole house did too.

I walked into my closet and found a grey oversized hoodie.  I slipped into that, and just stayed in my pajama shorts.  I then walked into my restroom to wash my face off.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw this girl who had definitely been through a lot.  My eyes were all puffy, and red.  You could definitely tell I was crying.  And it was over something completely stupid.

Crying over a boy should never happen.  It's dumb, in my mind, yet I did it.  But that's because I actually do love him.  It's weird how you end up developing feelings for someone so horrible.

I took my hair out of my very messy ponytail, and redid it.  I put my hair into a messy bun, and then decided to head downstairs.

In the hall, the lights were dim, except for downstairs.  I could smell something in the air.  It was definitely tasty.  I suspected that it was just Larry cooking something, so I didn't think much of it. 

I started walking towards the stairs, and as I did, my eyes floated towards Shawn's doors.  He was behind those doors, and I could feel it.  I could feel that he didn't care about how much he hurt me.

I brushed off the feeling, yet it still lingered on me as I made my way downstairs.  I went into the kitchen, and low and behold, who I thought was Larry, definitely wasn't.

He turned around and looked at me.

"Mia," he said and I just didn't say anything.

He did this, and if he doesn't want to be with me, then so be it, but I'm not going to stand for it.  He made me want him, he set me in this trap.

"Mia, please, talk to me," he said as I brushed passed him to grab a glass from the cupboard.

I walked passed him again to fill my glass with water.  I walked over to the fridge, and grabbed the water container.

"Mia, just talk to me, that's all I ask."

I set the container down, and just looked down at the counter.

"There's nothing to talk about Shawn," I said and grabbed my glass of water to head back up to my room, but that was before I felt his hand wrap around my wrist.

"Talk to me."

"No," I spat.

Just then, his grip got tighter, almost to the point where I dropped the glass, but luckily I didn't.

"Shawn, y-you're hurting m-me."

"Then listen to me!"

His hand squeezed at my wrist, and I gasped in pain.

"Shawn, please."

With that, he finally let go.  His eyes began to fill with sympathy as I rubbed my aching wrist.

"I-I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to."

"Sure you didn't," I scoffed and turned back to head to my room again.

"Mia, don't forget, I still own you. Now please, stay."

I sighed to myself and turned back to him.  I walked back to where he was, which was by the stove.  I leaped up to sit on the counter as I just watched him.

I took a sip from my glass, as he just looked at me.

"So are you going to talk to me, or are we just going to stare at each other like lost little puppies?"

"Well, depends on if you actually want to talk to me," he said, while going over to the oven, pulling out a hot tray.

"I honestly don't see what there is to talk about," I said, and took another sip of my water.

"Mia, don't be like that please," he said while setting the tray next to me.

"What are these?" I questioned looking at the brown pastries he had pulled out from the oven.

"Muffins, you want some? They're chocolate."

I didn't say anything, I just tried grabbing one, but Shawn ended up smacking my hand away.

"Not until you talk to me."

"Then never mind, I don't want one."

"Mia, why are you being like that?"

"Like what Shawn! I'm completely normal.  Can you blame me for being mad at someone who I basically just gave everything to only to find out he doesn't want me!"

"Mia, I-I do want y-you."

"No, you don't.  If you did, you wouldn't have done what you did up there.  You said we can't have anything, so now, I don't want anything to do with you."

"Come on, I know you don't mean that."

"I know exactly what I mean Shawn."

I waited for him to say something again, but he didn't.  Instead, he just shook his head and walked over to me.  Since I was sitting on the counter, he placed himself between my legs.

"Shawn," I whispered, with our faces just at the perfect level.

"Mia," he whispered while looking into my eyes, "I do love you."

"Then be with me."

"I-I can't."


"Because Mia, I can't risk hurting you."

"But you won't, I promise you won't, just please," I said and wrapped my legs around his waist.

All I needed was for him to fix what he's broken.  I've become weak, and I know it's shown.  I need him, and he sees that.  It's like this dark hole that I'm reaching through, waiting for him to pull me out.

"Please Shawn," I mumbled as our faces were moving slowly closer to each other.

"I-I can't."

"Yes you can. I need you."

With that, our lips touched.  The kiss heated up pretty fast, causing my hands to roam through his brown locks.

I felt one of his hands force my hand that was in his hair down.  I tried to touch him again, but he didn't let me, we just kept kissing.

One of his hands was supporting my waist, while the other one was fighting down my hand. 

Just then, I felt this cold feeling brew through my body.  Almost as if my mind was telling me something bad was about to happen, something did.

The only thing I heard next was me screaming bloody murder.

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