Mental Hospital (Depression Arc)

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And that's how they found themselves outside of Bay City's Mental Asylum.

"This is a bad idea," Mark warned, falling behind as Ryan made his way into the building, Grace on his tail.

He followed after the door closed behind his brother and his mom.

The were greeted by a tired looking woman with a warm smile.

"Welcome, are you by any chance," She glanced at her paper, "Ryan Walker?"

"Yes," Grace answered, a hand on each of Ryan's shoulders, "He is."

The woman's smile brightened, "Welcome, we've been expecting you."

Another person, this one a man, appeared out of a hall they didn't know existed. He gestured for them to follow.

"Hello, I'm Eric and I'm here to help you settle in, 'm-kay?"

Ryan nodded, but didn't say anything.

They sat down in a small, crowded office, with Ryan's backpack on the floor by Grace's side.

"Now, let's start off with some basic questions. If they're too hard to answer, one of your family members can answer for you, is that okay?" Eric asked, directing his attention on Ryan.

Ryan nodded 'yes'.

"Excellent! So let's begin, how long have you been feeling this way?"

A shrug.

"Can either of you specify?"

"About two mon-" Grace was cut off by Mark.

"Five and a half months," Mark stated before going quiet, fidgeting with his hoodie strings.

Eric scribbled something on the paper as Grace gave Mark a look that screamed question after accusation.

A few questions later, and they moved on to more specified questions.

"Have you ever smoked?"

Head shake 'no'.

"Done illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs?"

He began to shake his head 'no' but looked to his mom with sorrowful eyes.

She let out a long, steady breath, "When he tried to... kill himself, he... He sliced his wrists and attempted to overdose."

"Ryan," Eric looked at the boy with shoulders shaking and head down, "Would you do it again, even if you knew it wouldn't work?"

A nod 'yes'.

"You were right to bring him here," Eric soothed, "Some parents just assume it's a phase and wait for their kids to grow out of it, and by then it's too late. Others don't even know it's going on in the first place. But you found out, not it the best way, but you found out and you took the correct actions to ensure Ryan's safety. His safety is the main priority."

In his mind, Mark chuckled darkly. 'Main priority', that's why he's been letting his baby brother pilot a gigantic robot this whole time. Some brother he is...

"Now, onto the lighter stuff. What all have you brought with you, Ryan?"

Ryan stood and made his way over to his bag, opening it to reveal four sets of clothes (underwear included), a pair of pajamas, a toothbrush, toothpaste, his hoodie, a small throw blanket to remind him of home, and a spiral ring and composition notebook so he could communicate with others.

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