Finding Out (DARC)

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"Rye, c'mon. Please. Talk to me." Mark begged.

Ryan turned away, remaining curled into a ball on the chair.

Mark sighed, "Maybe next time... I have to get back to school, I'll come visit you afterwards, k?"

Ryan nodded in confirmation but said nothing.

Mark hugged him, pausing in the doorway with a quick, "Love you." Before he left.

Ryan sat in the chair for another minute before standing and heading back to his room.

That's when everything went south.

"Hey, mute!"

Ryan ignored them, quickening his pace.

"Mute, I'm talking to you!"

He continued on his way, going faster still.

"Hey!" Rough hands grabbed him, shoving him against the wall.

He made contact with the wall, eyes glued to the floor.

The boy lifted him off the ground.

"C.J. Put him down." Lillian ordered, stepping forward.

"Don't tell me what to do," And then he spat a word that rhymes with witch.

And then he punched Ryan.

Well, Lillian immediately charged but some patients in the small crowd grabbed her and held her back.

She shouted explicits, occasionally shouting Ryan's name as she struggled while Ryan was beaten.

Ryan shakily climbed to his feet , wiping blood from his chin.

He glared at C.J. even as he was pummeled. At one point or another some other patients joined in, kicking, slapping, one even bit him.

But it wasn't until they'd gotten bored with him and moved onto their next target - Lillian - that he snapped.

C.J. walked up to a seething Lillian and punched her, breaking her nose.

Ryan had had enough. Beating on him was one thing, but picking on someone he cared about - that... that was one of the reasons he was a hero. To protect those he cared for, and even those he didn't.

Still, in that moment he saw red.

Ryan stood, no longer shaking, stalked towards C.J. and pulled his shoulder around so they were face to face.

His glare hardened, and C.J. had the gull to look unafraid.

That changed when Ryan kicked him. Hard. Where the sun don't shine.

C.J. fell to the ground, clutching his crotch.

The lights flickered, the doors locked the staff out and at the moment Ryan realized he could do whatever he wanted to do.

So he did what he wanted to do.

He tore those hands off Lillian and stalked off, kicking a door down in the process of getting to his room, Lillian on his trail, and slamming and locking the door behind the two of them.


"That-" Lillian laughed breathlessly, "That was awesome!"

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