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"Ry- -a- y-- ---- --?"


"Ryan, can you ---"

"Ryan? Ryan? Can you hear us?"

"Please, Ryan."




"He's gone."


"Good, I swear if he yelled 'Ryan' one more time in my ear I'd punch him."

"He's just worried," Harris commented absentmindedly as he worked around Ryan and the machines.

"I know, doesn't make it any less annoying," Ryan said with a smile, his first smile since he woke up a week ago.

Mark rolled his eyes, "True. But, you've got to hand it to him, Slipper might be annoying but he means well."

"Did you just...?" Ryan asked as Harris stopped working in disbelief.

Mark groaned, "Compliment him? Yes. Please, never bring it up again."

"Or what? You'd kill me?"

Silence as Mark and Harris looked away.

Ryan huffed, looked at the ceiling, then looked at the two of them, "You're not seriously still on this, are you?"

"You could've died, Ryan." Mark stated.

Harris picked up where he left off, "It's safe to say we'll be 'on this' for a while."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "I'm telling you, you're putting too much into it."

"You tried to kill yourself. I think, if anything, we're putting to little into it," Mark announced.

Harris gave Mark a look, "We agreed not to talk to him about it until he was better."

"Still in the room, you know?" Ryan checked.

"We know," They answered in unison.

"We're not letting you out of our sight," Mark said.

"Not until you're better," Harris compromised.

"Don't I get a say in this?" Ryan tried.

"No," They said in unison for a second time.

"Not even to show mom I'm alive?" Ryan asked in a last ditch effort.

Mark froze but only for a moment, "No, you could've died. You tried to kill yourself. You'll be getting better long before the police 'find' you."

"Yeah but wouldn't it make sense for something to be off with me if I was 'kidnapped' and 'escaped' like you say the plan is?" What else was he supposed to say? He was annoyed and he wanted out of this lab.

Mark looked to Harris, who said, "Don't look at me, he has a point."

Mark sighed, something he seemed to be doing a lot of lately, and relented, "Fine, but if we go home, you're telling mom about everything."

Mech X4 : Whump Within Oneshots {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now