Asphyxiation (DARC)

413 17 13

Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide, suicidal tendencies, suicide preparations, and a possible suicide/suicide attempt. Reader digression strongly advised.

They almost gotten Ryan down by the time Harris arrived.

"How is he?" Harris asked, carrying a massive first-aid kit.

"How does he look?" Mark snapped as the rope snapped with him and Ryan fell, full force, into Mark.

Mark stumbled back, falling off the ladder and onto the ground with Ryan on top of him.

He cradled his brother's head as they lowered him to the ground.

"Tilt his chin up," Harris ordered.

Spyder complied as Mark questioned, "Why should we listen to you? Shouldn't I call an ambulance."

Spyder complied, doing as ordered while Harris answered, "Yeah, you probably should of, but you didn't. You called me. And assuming that neither of you have any first-aid experience, the best choice is either me or taking him to a hospital. Which, by the way, is on the other side of town. And it takes an ambulance about ten minutes, so if you're going to call one call it now but I'm treating Ryan because he needs attention and he needs it now not ten minutes from now."

Harris humped as he turned back to Ryan, a thoroughly lectured Mark fumbling with his phone for a second before putting it away. If anyone could fix Ryan, it's Harris.

"What are you doing and how can I help?" Mark asked, looking to Harris for orders.

Harris smiled grimly, "Take off his shirt, we can't have anything tight obstructing the airway."

Mark peeled off the shirt, focusing on the bruises around his brother's throat as he winced and rubbed his own in sympathy.

"Now what?' Mark asked as Harris pulled out a stethoscope and placed it against Ryan's chest.

"I need to check his breathing."

"I see that."



"Shut up."


Mark, who was sitting with his hands threaded together over his head, stood.

His movement startled Spyder, who fell of the edge of the ramp and gave him a 'What was that for?' mixed with 'What did I do this time?' look.

Mark sighed with an eye roll and helped him up. The two had been banished by Harris once they asked how Ryan was doing for the fiftieth time while Harris was trying to listen to Ryan's breathing.

He shooed them off without another word, and now they were left sitting, wondering what was happening to their brother and best friend.

"That's it, this is taking to long. Sandman, you're staying here," Mark said as he marched off.

"Hey, where are you going?" Spyder yelled after him.

"To get some help!" Was Mark's only reply.


"Don't do this to me Ryan," Harris said between rescue breaths, "Don't you dare."

Harris continued doing CPR, debating on whether or not to risk calling Mark and Spyder back over to help.

This was getting out of hand. Ryan wasn't responding.

He had to face the scary reality.

Ryan is dying.

And there's not a single thing more he could do to stop it.


I am not a doctor.

Say it with me now, I am not a doctor.


Okay, now that that's over with, and I no longer need to stay in caps, I can say this. I am not, nor will I be in the near future, a doctor. I simply did research so please, please, please, get medical attention if you ever think you're suffering from something written in these stories. Thanks.

Thanks again, and don't forget to live life and love PINEAPPLES!!!

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