Showing Emotion (DARC)

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Trigger Warning : I think we're in the clear now, but just in case... Stuff happens. You have been warned.

It had been two months since that night and it seemed like nothing had changed.

Leo went back to working on the Mech.

Harris, Spyder, and Mark went back to school.

And the students didn't notice a thing.

Sure, there was the occasional rumor when the teacher called for Ryan and he wasn't there, but other than that it was like Ryan was so invisible that he never existed.

And in a way, he hadn't.

He didn't go out for things because it was freshmen year and he had all the time in the world, right? Right...?

He was in the Mech-X4 fan club but they were always getting and loosing members, they simply thought he lost interest.

His teachers were notified after the first month, still, the followed protocol and announced his absence everyday.

And only a select few seemed to care.

And it sucked.

No one knew what Ryan had done for them, for all of them. They didn't know.

They didn't know, and they wouldn't know.

Even if they could know, they wouldn't tell them.

Because it's not their right to learn of how amazing a person was only because of their death, or in this case, coma-induced state.

And then came the day that everything changed.

Why? Well it started with a message...


"Mark Walker to the main office. Mark Walker to the main office." A bored voice called over the intercom.

The teacher gestured to the door, "You've been summoned. Good luck."

Mark stood, gathered his belongings, and made his way through the door and to the office only to find Harris and Spyder already sitting there.

"What's... going on?" Mark asked anxiously.

"I don't know-" Harris began.

Spyder fidgeted as he cut Harris off, "They won't tell us anything, man. Even when I do something wrong they tell me."

"Boys," A voice called and they turned to find the new principal standing with a sorrowful look on her face. She turned to Mark, "It's about your brother."

Mark's eyes widened as she continued, "It's about Ryan."


That song... I've spent so many nights listening to it and sobbing because of how much I relate to it and oh gosh I'm listening to it now as I write and man I think it's showing in my writing but who knows.

We are nearing the end of the short chapters, so that's good. On the other hand, that means the arc is ending, so that's bad. But oh well...

Until you read this saying next time, live life and love PINEAPPLES!!!

Mech X4 : Whump Within Oneshots {Discontinued}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant