Chapter 20: Getting Back to Business

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"Daniel!" Loud bangs crush the floor as I heard my finance run as if fire is behind him

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"Daniel!" Loud bangs crush the floor as I heard my finance run as if fire is behind him. He dashes into the from with a small grey towel around his waist and wet laid hair.

"Babe, are you okay? Are you hurt? Are the babies okay?" I crawl to the edge of the bed and pout as I rub my belly.

"I'm hungry," His eyes connected with mines after he was looking around the room to see if something had hurt me and they had a shocked yet playful dance to them. He walked to me slowly as if stalking prey. With a large smirk, he slowly pushed me into my back and laid between my legs. This may have caused me arousal if my mind wasn't on a nice juicy steak with peanut butter on top. Oo, some caramel tofu sounds so good right now!

His rapid tug at the lining of my skirt snapped me back into reality. Smooth hands slowly ran up and down my thigh, stimalating all my nerves. Then his soft pink lips connected in sparks to my own. As our lips danced with our tongues tangling, I started to not feel so hungry. Well, not for food.
He then kissed my neck until he reached the lobe of my ear.

"Is my princess hungry?" His voice was husky and arousing, I forgot how to speak. I only nodded, causing a knowing chuckle from him. How I hated that he knew how he affected me. In a swift movement, I was on the side of his hip and he was walking down the stairs with me, pecking my cheek as He carried me along. I wasn't that much surprised that he was able to pick me up with growing twins in my stomach, but at how his muscles seemed to bulge out making them devourable. Please tell me that wetness isn't my water breaking.

"Baby?" His deep voice caught me out of daydreaming to the realization that I was in one of the counter bar chairs and he was searching though the fridge.


"We are out of chicken nuggets...," He turned around to me knowing that i was angered by this. What kind of world is this? How the fudge popsicles do you run out of chicken nuggets? This is everything that is wrong with the world!
I look down contemplating life. How can I live?

"I will go get more before school, baby."

"No, it's okay...they don't need to eat...they will be pre nature and I will starve to death." He looked at me as if I am crazy and shook his head laughing.

"Babygirl, go get dress. We will just stop by McLuckies in the way to school. We need to be on time, I want to show off my luna." He winks at me with his dreamy eyes and I nodded my head and ran upstairs and for dressed. Well, more like fast walked. I pulled in a peach off the shoulder romper and black velvet boots with a leather jacket. After clipping in my peach gemstone earring, I ran down stairs into his pink Ferrari 580. It is going to be mines when we get married and I swear I wish all guys came with a Ferrari. But none of them would be as good as him.

"That's right, baby," a voice from behind me states. I turn slightly to see Daniel in a black tee and ripped black jeans that made his bulge look.....oh my. I look around to my lap again trying to play off my perverted mindset. He gets in the driver's seat and examines my now saturated face.

"Its okay, you can get it after we get home, alright?" Of course, he realized.

"Um..I...don't k-know what your talking about." He chuckles huskly and grips my thigh with his right hand as he pulls out of the 7 car garage.

"Sure babe, sure." The car ride was pleasent other than his small disputes of road rage that were a slight turn on. Esspecially when the little vein in his neck bulges out and his arms flex slightly against the steering wheel. I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or having spent 4 weeks in the house with only him and I with non-stop contact, but everything he does is million times more attractive and fascinating.

"Diamond, stop getting wet. I am trying to drive and the scent is distracting me." He looks at me through the side of his eye after scolding me in a deep dominant voice. Its like he is trying to crash the car.

"Okay..." The car ride continues and my mind wonders to dirty thoughts and things I have seen on the web. Some of them I have been instersted in for years and other not so much.

"Danny, how would you feel about being called daddy in bed? And like anal and stuff?" As soon as those words left my mouth, the car came to a sudden stop in front of a red light and his eyes met mines in shook. Shit...that isn't a good sign.

"Nevermind, Daniel. Can we just get to school?"

"Um yeah, sorry." Today is going to be shit show.

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