Chapter 22: Old Faces

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What is he doing here? He was banished months ago

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What is he doing here? He was banished months ago. I saw him get branded as rogue on his back and sent into the woods. How is he back? Why is he back?

I look up at Daniel and he seems unfazed. Does he not see him? Am I going crazy? No! He must be there.

"Baby, come on." I look around to see that I was staring blankly into space. Sitting next to Daniel in the 3rd row, I felt eyes on me. Emerald eyes, and not those of Daniel's. He knows I notice him.

"Okay class, does anyone have any idea of who Adele Ashworth is?" Ms. Littleton asked. Gary, the sterotypical emo kid raised his hand.

"Yes, Gary?"

" author....probably dead...who knows.."

"Umm...not what I was going for. How about you Paris?" Great, pick the devil's spawn.

"Did she like, write a really hot sex book? Kinda like Christian Grey status but like school appropriate?"

"Um sure....anyone else?" The teacher awkwardly coughed her comment off. What else you expect from that slut?

"Well this month, we will be reading her amazing novel, My Darling Caroline." She exclaimed before telling us to pick partners. Daniel, of course came to my side and kissed me on my cheek causing me to smile brightly. That is until I saw the staring green eyes appear infront of me.

"Hi, I'm-." He started but I interrupted quickly.

"Kevin, cut the crap! I know it's you!" I was enraged and I turned to Daniel for his support but He didn't seem to express the same anger. He seemed...amused? He stroke my leg softly.

"Baby, this is Kevin's twin brother, Kyle. Kevin was...dismembered months ago." He spoke softly wit a wide grin. I looked at him as if he is crazy. A twin brother? Why haven't I known about this before?

"As I was saying before. I am Kyle. I just moved here with my grandparents to help get my parents on the right path. I personally apologize for what my brother did to you, Luna. I was wondering if I may join your group as the Alpha is the only person I know of this pack." As he spoke, his medium tone voice had a thread of an English accent. They must have been raised separately.

"Um sure! As long as you aren't grossed out by your Alpha getting grabby with me at times." He chuckled at my comment earnestly.

"Don't worry, I am the same with my mate."

"Who is your mate, if you don't mind me asking.

"Um do you perhaps know Paris Harrison over there?" He pointed to my she devil sister as she sinks at him before during to her minions.

"Sadly yes, she is my step sister."

"Oh, family issues?"

"If you call us a family, then yes." I laughed nervously before Daniel began reading.

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