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"Megan is my mother," he said, looking at us.

"Wtf!" I shouted.

"What did you say now?" he asked, confused.

"Well that's fantastic, " I said shakily.

"No jokes," shouted Jane.

"What the hell happened here?" I asked Luke.

He replied coldly. "I'm sorry, I don't know anything."

"Then how do you know that Megan is your mother?" Jane interrogated.

"I'm sorry, my mother died when I was 2 years old. My father didn't say even a single word about her," he cried, dodging the question. We both felt sorry for him. He cried for the next five minutes and we knew we wouldn’t get anything else out of him.

We instead convinced him to leave this dangerous place with us. After some time, we got out of the asylum, and Jane and I headed back home. I felt very sad for Luke but also confused about the whole situation with Megan. I didn't sleep, this is the fourth day without sleep for me.

I went downstairs to get a drink of water to calm my nerves, but I suddenly heard a sound come from my room. It sounded like a person was walking around up there. I ran as fast as I could to see who it was, but to my surprise, no one was there.

And the most horrible thing is that the sentence I AM ALIVE was clearly written on my wall with dripping blood. It definitely hadn’t been there before; it must have been written just now so someone must have come inside my room when I was out.

I screamed as loud as I could. My parents rushed to my room. I was crying. My mom and dad came near me and hugged me.

I didn't stop crying. The sentence on my wall slowly disappeared. My mom and dad never noticed it, and I know that no one except Luke and Jane will believe me when I tell them what I saw.

The next morning I got ready for school earlier than usual because I am going to school with Jane today as we have a lot to discuss. I ate my sandwich and drank the milk on the table and practically fled to Jane's house.

She was standing outside waiting for me. I had a lot of questions on my mind that nobody can answer. "Hey, we are going to be killed by Megan.”

"We shouldn't have gone to that goddamn asylum," Jane shouted as I walked towards her.

"It's ok,” I tried to console her, even though I had brought it all up. “We can solve the problem if we work hard, without fear." I continued, “We already know that she is afraid of fire. So next time we can use it as our weapon. Nothing is impossible, buddy. Luke will also help us. I talked to him yesterday.”

Jane sniffled but looked like she believed what I was saying.

“I know where his house is. We'll go there after school. Let's kick that ghost's butt," I said cheerfully. Now I knew that I was committing to a real battle with that freaking Megan. She is going to die again.

Jane and I walked to school, further discussing the problem. The school day boring. Everything probably was, compared to what we were dealing with. Seven classes went on for eternity. After school, Jane and I met Luke at his house.

"Hi, welcome to my house!" Luke invited us in with a big smile on his face. His house looked old. He showed us all the rooms in it, including Megan's old room, in which she lived before going to the asylum.

The room was unused after Megan's death, but it was well maintained. It did not look like the room of a psycho. It looked neat and tidy.

I had a question to ask Luke, so partway through our tour, I piped up. "Hey, Luke, when did your mother contact you for the first time?"

"She contacted me for the first time when I went to the asylum with my friends. I didn’t know it was where she had gone. From that day onwards she has kept contacting me. But she doesn’t say anything to me," he replied sadly.

"Maybe we can use an Ouija board to contact her," said Jane.

Luke fished out a new Ouija board and we kept it in the middle of his room. He put a candle and incense sticks near it, before switching off all the fans and lights.

It was so dark. The utter silence was maintained. The planchette of the Ouija board was kept in the middle and we kept our hands on it.

"Are there any spirits around us?" I asked gently. No reply. At first. After a minute, the planchette moved towards Yes. We didn't move even a bit. We sat there as if we were paralyzed.

"What's your name?" I asked, a bit more shakily. The planchette moved to spell out M-E-G-A-N. "Will you harm us?" I asked in a trembling voice. The Planchette slowly moved towards the Yes before the candle's flame was blown out.

The Haunted Asylum ( Under Reconstruction )Where stories live. Discover now