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"She is not Megan. I'm so afraid. We have to put an end to this," I said sadly.

Luke was silent. I decided to give him some space to think. After some time we reached the school. The grounds are regularly cleaned but today the school looked especially fantastic. The stage inside was set up to award the team that won the big football game today the grand prize.

Luke is the captain of our house and Jane is also a member of my house so we three usually stick together. Luke walked away somewhere today but Jane stayed with me as usual. Jane and I exchanged worried glances.

"Hey, something is wrong with Luke. He didn't even speak a single word this morning. And he is acting a bit weird too," said Jane.

"Yeah maybe he is afraid to talk about Megan right now," I said.

The football match was about to start but Luke was not with the team. This was strange because he is the captain. I don't know what's going on. I called Luke with my cell phone. But he didn't answer.

I called him again and this time he answered the phone quickly. "I'm sorry I can't come to school because I have a fever from yesterday's night. Smith will play as our captain, so don’t worry."

My phone fell from my hands and to the ground.

"Stacy, what happened?" asked Jane worriedly. I stood there without replying to her. She shook me and asked the same again.

"We were being spied on this morning," I said slowly.

"Spied on by whom?" she asked.

"By the ghost that attacked you yesterday. The person we were walking with this morning wasn’t Luke," I replied. She was shocked after hearing this.

"OMG now we have to fight against two spirits. And the second one can shape shift so we can't believe anyone," she said. I nodded yes.

Meanwhile, the football match had begun and we were dominating them. We could see it was going to be an easy victory for us, so Jane and I decided to get out of the heat outdoors by going inside the school.

We both sat in a classroom, alone, as the whole school was outside watching the game. Suddenly, Miss Lucy, our English teacher, came inside.

"Miss Lucy, what is the score?" I asked. She didn't reply.

I asked the again but she didn't answer me. I asked the same again a little bit louder. Suddenly she screamed, "Don't call me Lucy! I'm SARAH!"

I gaped at her, open-mouthed. Megan’s partner in crime is here to kill us.

Suddenly the lights in the classroom went out. It was so dark I couldn't see anything. There weren’t any windows in this room. We don't have any matches with us. I know what the headline of tomorrow's paper is going to be: "TWO GIRLS FOUND DEAD IN CLASSROOM, KILLER UNKNOWN."

We are going to be dead soon.

Suddenly Megan appeared near Sarah, out of nowhere. We can't even escape from one but here we have two. Insects were crawling all over them. I started praying.

Suddenly someone opened the door of the room and they both disappeared. It was our principal, Mr. Keith.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Sir, we felt tired in the heat outside. That's why we came here,” Jane said, pausing. “Thank you sir," she added.

"Why the thank you?" he asked.

"It's all for a reason," we said at the same time. We have to meet with Luke and tell him what happened today, as soon as possible.

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