Chapter 7

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I ran downstairs as fast as I can to get help. Dr. Ben escaped without helping us. Zach followed me behind. I ran to the neighbor's house and screamed "Someone please help, Samara is in danger!!".

A young man in his twenties came running towards me " What happened Ara?". "Mr. Muller, Samara is possessed. She is trying to kill everyone! Please do something".

Suddenly I heard a huge scream from Samara's house. "Aunt Hannah" said Zach and ran into her house. Mr. Muller said " Come on! Lets go!".

When we reached the stairs I saw Hannah lying still without any motion. I rushed to her and checked the pulse, she is dead!!! Agnes killed Samara's mother.

Zach was standing near Marcus. "Hannah is dead!" I screamed and started crying. Mr. Muller took an iron rod and moved towards Samara slowly.

"You can't kill me with a metal rod Mr. Muller" said Samara. "Isn't your daughter studying in Berlin with your wife??".

"Muller don't listen to her" said Marcus. "She is trying to bring out your emotions"
"Deine Tochter steht in einer Eisenbahnlinie" ( Your daughter is standing in a railway track ) said Samara laughing at Muller. "Ah! Ein Zug kommt auf sie zu" ( Ah a train is coming towards her ) she added.

"It's a lie Muller, your daughter is safe" screamed Marcus. Muller didn't listen to him. "Mr. Muller! Please believe Father Marcus. She is trying to hurt you" I yelled.

"Wenn Sie Ihre Tochter retten wollen, müssen Sie sich selbst erstechen" ( If you want to save your daughter then you have to stab yourself to death ) said Samara.

Without hesitation Muller rushed downstairs to pick up a knife. I tried to stop him but he pushed me away. He took a knife from the kitchen and came back.

"Ich werde mich selbst töten. Bitte, verletze meine Tochter nicht" ( I'll kill myself. Please don't hurt my daughter ) said Mr. Muller.

I couldn't do anything but cry. It all started because of a stupid assignment. We are never going to be back normal again. This is the worst day of my life, maybe even the last day.

"Muller!! No!!!!" screamed Marcus. It was too late. Muller stabbed himself in his throat and fell on the floor. "Two gone, three more to go" said Samara.

"Ara! What is her real name?" asked Father Marcus taking a cross from his pocket. "It's Agnes" I screamed. " "Knowing the name of you gives me power over you" said Marcus pointing the cross at Samara.

"You are Agnes. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I condemn you back to hell!" screamed Marcus but nothing happened.

"You are still a kid Marcus. This cross can't do anything to me. Its just a toy that you kids play with. It can't do any harm to me".

Marcus stood there shocked. Zach tried to escape but something caught him. It dragged him to Samara. He screamed for help but we can't do anything.

She took the knife that Muller used and stabbed Zach right through his chest. Zach slowly turned towards me and said "I'm sorry" and fell on the floor.

Marcus took the holy water from his pocket and sprinkled it on Samara and it was a failure. "I told you not to play with your toys Marcus" said Samara. She raised her hands and then Marcus floated on air.

She threw him out of the window. I quickly ran downstairs and to save him but he was already dead. Suddenly I felt something choking me. I looked at the window.

Samara was standing there looking at me with an evil grin. I felt my heart beats reduce slowly. I couldn't breath at all. Slowly the sounds around me started fading and darkness started to surround me. Everything became black slowly.

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