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My mom and dad were standing there, completely still. They looked so horrible. Insects were crawling all over them like they did for Megan and Sarah.

Their bodies were unnaturally filled with blood and they looked black in color. I started to cry after seeing them in this condition.

I walked towards them but Luke pulled me back and shouted, "Are you mad?! They are not your parents now. We have to escape."

We ran out of my house quickly but they followed us. We ran to Luke's house but his dad was also changed into a bloody ghost. Now three of them are chasing us. We have no place to hide.

We ran through the streets of New Jersey, it was midnight. Three kids being chased by their ghostly bloody parents.

We were starting to tire out when suddenly I got an idea. My uncle and aunt have been living here since I was 10. I know where their house is, so I told Luke and Jane to follow me. My uncle’s house was about four kilometres from the place where we were now.

Luke used the lighter to keep our ghost parents from getting too close, but it was of no use to stop their chase. After fifteen minutes of running and waving the flame from the lighter at our parents’ faces, we reached my aunt's house.

Our parents had stopped following us now. I knocked on the door of my aunt's house. She opened the door after five minutes of us waiting nervously and said, "What are you doing here at midnight?"

I can't say that my mom and dad were changed into ghosts. So, i said, "We are in very big danger and I'll explain later. So please let us stay here, just today." My aunt agreed and let us stay.

She gave us a room on the first floor with two beds. Jane and I slept in one and Luke slept in the other.
The next day we had a lot of work to do. We had to go back to the asylum.
We all slept in until nine in the morning.

My aunt woke us up and said, "I'm going to the office now. I made you breakfast and kept it on the table. I have put a spare key on the shelf near the tv.”

We all nodded at the same time and she left. My uncle had apparently gone to Australia for a meeting and would come in a week.

After some time, during which we all tried to calm ourselves down and properly wake up, we ate our breakfast and closed all the doors and windows in the house before going outside to find out more about Sarah and Megan in the asylum.

The asylum is about seven kilometres from here. So it's going to be a long walk. We walked silently for a while. Four more kilometres to go. "We should find out where Sarah's powers are stored," I finally said.

"Yeah, there is no other way to kill Sarah and Megan," replied Luke.
Again, silence surrounded us as we walked faster. After ten minutes we had reached the asylum.

It looked exactly like it had that fateful day we unleashed the monsters. We went inside Megan’s room and on the wall was written, "I AM ALIVE. PLEASE HELP ME." I was terrified after seeing that. There must be another spirit that needs our help.

"Now we are being haunted by three spirits," I said."Yeah, this is crazy. Why did it choose us? Do we look like social helpers? We already have a lot of problems, and now this.

I think our death is coming soon. I can't bear this anymore. I lost my happiness, parents, sleep and everything except my friends and physical life.

And she is going to get that soon too," cried Jane. She knelt down on the floor and screamed. I too started crying as I realized she was right.
Suddenly we heard a sound in the room next to Megan's.

Confused, and still teary, we rushed to that room and there was a file in the table that hadn’t been there before. Luke opened it and put his hand over his mouth in shock.

"What's wrong?" I asked.
“This is Sarah's room. She was dead before my mom was admitted here," he said.

“So she didn’t know her. Then why is she troubling us while we’re trying to help your mom?" I asked.

He kept his voice low as he answered, "I don't know but Sarah was doing Black Magic before she was admitted in the asylum. She was regarded as one of the most dangerous women around during her lifetime.

Everyone were afraid to talk with her. She killed her own parents and killed her husband too. When she was admitted here she had a child. His name is… Smith. I think he is still alive.” "You are correct my dear," someone whispered behind us.

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