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Luke turned back quickly. "Who are You?" he shouted. No reply. In Sarah’s case file was detailed information about her entire life, including her address.

"Maybe we should go to her house to get more information about her. Her son must be living there," I said.

"Yeah, you are absolutely right. We must go there as soon as possible. We need more help. I'll come with my friends tomorrow evening, to Stacy's house," said Luke. We left the asylum with Sarah's case file.

We walked home slowly. The plan was the same as the night before. Two will sleep and one will guard. No one troubled us on our way. I don't know why. Maybe she is planning for a big attack.

After twenty minutes we reached my house. It looked the same as it had before. No creepiness. I opened the door slowly, making a creaky noise. We walked into the kitchen to get some food. There was no food except bread and jam. So we ate that as our lunch.

Our hunger was not satisfied in the least but that's what was left to eat. We couldn’t do much about it. Not entirely energized, we went to my mom and dad's room but no one was there. I don't know where they are and what they are doing. Whenever I start to think about them tears roll down from my eyes.

"Should we move? Because there is not much time left," said Luke.

"Ok, when will your friends join us?" I asked.

"I'll call them on the way. One of them is a big brother who can drive a car. So we can go in the car," he replied.

We walked out of my house with some candles and matchboxes as weapons. Our next stop was Jane's house. After a few minutes we reached her house. Again, we had no incidences on our way. This was making me even more nervous, though. Jane’s mother and father were lying in their bed, but they were not asleep. They were not alive.

Their souls were not inside their bodies. We took a knife from the house for protection, and for memory, and left. Our next stop was Luke's house. His father was not there. But the radio in his house was playing. It was not playing last night.

The next street over was where one of Luke’s friends lived. His name is Brian. He is twenty years old, the one with the car. "Hey Brian, I need your help," pleaded Luke.

“What help do you need, Luke?" He spoke politely and looked concerned.

“We are going to meet a man named Smith. We need your car because his house is too far away from here,” Luke explained.

"Ok buddy, I'll come with you," he said smiling. He went inside his house to fetch the car keys.

After some time he came back and started the car. The car was big enough to hold six people. Luke called his other friend named Jonathan and asked him to join us. We waited in Brian's car for a while and then Jonathan came into view.

Jonathan is fifteen years old but taller than Brian. Brian has grey eyes and brown hair and Jonathan has black eyes and black hair, neatly styled. Jonathan was the one who looked well matured.

Jonathan started the car and we started our journey towards Smith's house. His house is about twenty kilometres from Brian's house. We heard some pop songs on our way to Smith's house, but no one had the heart to sing along.

Jonathan suddenly piped up, "Where are we going now?"

"Umm... we are going to see a man named Smith," I said.

"Who is he?" he asked again.

"He is my uncle," Stacy lied. Luke and I shot her an angry expression. She apologized with another expression. Then utter silence surrounded us.

After twenty minutes of silent travel we reached Smith’s house – I mean Sarah's house. We opened the front gate, and it made a loud noise. Suddenly a man rushed out from behind his garden.

"Who are you?" he demanded in a booming voice.

"We are here to see Mr. Smith," Luke said bravely.

“He is not here. He won’t be for another few hours. If you want to meet him today then you’ll have to wait here," he replied.

"Oh, ok we will wait until he arrives," I replied. We stood there silently for about an hour. Brian asked us to come back to the car several times but we refused. We had to see this through.

Eventually, a car came into the driveway. It was Smith's car. The door opened and Smith came into view.

He looked fit and his hair was straight as a rod. His nose was big. He walked towards us and greeted us, "Hello kids what do you want?"

"We have to talk to you sir," I said.

"Are you going to talk about Sarah?" he replied, the friendliness fading from his face. Luke, Jane and I were frozen.

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