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"Megan!!!!" I exclaimed. Everyone was stunned. It's impossible.

"She tried to kill us many times. How can she be the one helping us?" said Jane.

"But she didn't kill us. She gave us so many clues in an indirect manner. She is under the control of someone else, I think. I'm very sure. Megan is the unknown helper. We have to find out who is controlling her," I said.

"So, what can we do now? Jonathan's mother has called me two times…" asked Brian.

"How can we bring Jonathan back to normal?" asked Luke.

"I have no idea. We need help," I said.

"Go home. Jonathan will be alright," Megan whispered from somewhere we couldn’t see.

"Mom, we need to talk to you. Please don't go!" Luke shouted. But there was utter silence.

"She can't talk to us because someone is watching her," said Jane.

"Yeah, she's right. We have to go to Brian's house now," I said. Everyone nodded their heads at the same time.

After a few minutes we were home. Jonathan was in bed; he hadn’t moved. We sprinkled some water on his face. He suddenly woke up with a scream. We were all shocked.

"What happened to me?!" he asked.

"You were in a deep sleep," said Jane.

"Your mother asked you to come home," I added. Jonathan nodded and calmed down a bit as we rested a bit.

"Bye guys. I will see you later," Jonathan said after a while. We waved our goodbyes as he left.

"What can we do now?" asked Jane.

"We have to go to the asylum" said Brian.

Brian's car was out of fuel so we decided to walk. But it would take time to reach the asylum. We walked slowly down the streets. The sun was scorching. Sweat ran down my forehead. I wiped it off. After a few minutes we reached Jane's house. We decided to check it out.

We went inside her house. It looked the same as it had before. Her parents were in bed and didn’t wake up. We went to my house and the situation there was also same. No changes and my mom and dad were in bed, deep asleep. So we continued on our journey to the asylum.

We were back on the street, walking in the scorching sun. I can't walk in the sun. It is too hot. But I had to do all this to save my family and friends.

After a long hard journey, we reached the asylum.

Seeing the asylum brought back my memories of the day we first explored it. The day I would never forget for my entire life. I washed all the memories away for the moment and went inside. Everyone followed me in. It was still creepy as hell.

We decided to search through the case files that had Sarah working as a doctor. We went into the storage room where all the case files were stored. We searched in all the racks but we couldn't find them.

"Is there any other room?" I asked.

"Yes, there is one more room," said Luke.

We went to that room and continued our search. After five minutes Jane called us over to her.

"What's the matter?" asked Brian.

"This was the case that Sarah handled when she was working in this asylum," said Jane.

I took the file and opened it. The name of the patient was Natalie. She was 22 years old when she was brought to the asylum. She killed her own family without any reason. She had also killed a doctor. The name of the doctor was not mentioned here. There was a picture of her pasted in the file.

She had dark brown hair. She looked so angry in that picture. She had the eyes of cat. Her hair was straight. She was the only case that Sarah had handled.

"We have to take this home," I said.

"You are not going to take this home," said Jane, her voice strange. Her eyes were pitch black. Her face was full of fresh scars that had blood flowing from them. She was not Jane. She was possessed. Possessed by whom???

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