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Samara is Natalie's real name. We have made it. I was so happy at that moment.

"Yeah, we are here to know about that girl," I said.

“I won't say anything about her because she could kill you like she killed my mother,” Teresa said.

"She killed your mother!! But why?" asked Megan.

"Because my mother tried to stop her. But she was so much more powerful than my mom had imagined," she said as tears filled her eyes.

"We are really sorry for the loss of your mom. But if you help us then we can send Samara to hell," said Jane.

"No, we can't do anything. This is equal to suicide. I don't want to kill myself and leave my family alone. I know a priest who might help you in this case, though. His name is Father Andrew. Hold on, I'll give his address," she said as she grabbed a notepad and scribbled something down.

"Thank you for helping us. We'll surely get rid of her," I said.

"Please come inside and have a cup of coffee. You must not say no," she said.

"Ok, but we will leave as soon as possible," said Harry. We went inside her house. It was surrounded by gardens that you could see through the windows. Her son was playing outside while we shuffled inside.

We sat at the dining table. Teresa went inside to bring us coffee. Megan, too, left to help her. After a few minutes, both of them came to the dining room. Teresa was holding the tea kettle on a glass plate. We all took a cup and also some biscuits.

"The coffee is delicious," said Brian.

"Thank you," she replied with a smile. After drinking it we bid her goodbye and climbed into the car. We all waved our hands to Teresa and her son. They waved back, smiling. Father Andrew's house was just a ten-minute drive away.

Harry pulled the car towards the corner of the road and switched off the engine. "This is it," he said, indicating the small house outside. Brian rang the doorbell. After a few minutes of silence, the wooden door opened with a creaking sound.

A man with black and white straight hair stood in front of us. "What do you want?" he asked, looking at Megan.

"We are here to see Father Andrew," she said.

"I'm Andrew, please come inside," he said. We went inside his house. It was plain, with just a couch and some chairs.

We all sat on the couch and he sat in the chair. "Why are you here?" he asked.

"We are here because we need your help to fight against a powerful spirit," said Jane.

"Tell me more about it," he said. Megan started to recite everything that had happened.

"How can I believe you? I need proof of the existence of a spirit, otherwise I can't help you," he said.

"I'll show you the proof, you old cow," Jane almost screamed.

"What the hell are you saying, Jane?!" screamed Megan. Jane turned her head 180 degrees and started to laugh.

She took the knife which was near her and ran towards Father Andrew, stabbing him in his chest. Blood rushed from his chest and pooled on the floor like a flood.

"Viejo idiota!" screamed Jane. You idiot.

"What the heck is she saying?" I asked.

"It's Spanish," replied Harry.

Andrew tried to say something but suddenly Jane, or whoever was possessing her, stabbed his throat too.

"No puedes matarme," she said, watching him suffer in pain. You can’t kill me.
She slowly turned towards us. I was frozen in terror.

"Soy Samara, el espíritu más poderosco del mundo. Todos ustedes van a more pronto,” she said, laughing.
I’m Samara, the most powerful spirit in the world. You are all going to die soon.

"Please translate what she is saying Harry," I said.

"She is gonna kill us," he replied.

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