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Harry was stunned after hearing Jane speaking like Natalie.

"Mom, why are you troubling us?" asked Harry. She didn't reply. She started to laugh.

"I won't kill you, my son. I'll kill only these children."

"No, mom, you should not kill them. They are my friends," said Harry.

"They are not your friends anymore. You have to help your mother, not some strangers. If you help them then I won't hesitate to kill you, my son," she said.

"I'm not your son anymore. I won't help you. You are an evil force," Harry screamed.

"Ha Ha Ha. I've given you a chance to escape but you have wasted it. Now it's time for you to suffer," she said, laughing.

"No, it's time for you to suffer, mom. I'm sorry," said Harry as he took a holy cross from his pocket.

"What are you doing?! I am warning you. This can't do anything to me. You guys are don't understand anything. I'm not a weak spirit. I've absorbed a lot of souls. This thing can't kill me," said Natalie in a creepy tone.

"Knowing the name of the demon gives us more power than you, mom," said Harry.

“Ha Ha Ha. You know what? I've said to you guys that people call me Natalie, but that's not my real name. The people who had known my name are not alive now," she said in an evil voice.

Oh my god, she is very powerful. We can't do anything without knowing her real name. This is our last day, I guess.

"I know her name. But I can't say it now. I am alive," whispered Megan.

What the hell? Megan always says, “I'm alive.” There must be something behind it. I have to find out.

Suddenly Natalie began to scream. I didn't know why until I heard Megan whisper again, "It's all because of me."

Then Jane was back to normal. "What the hell had happened?!" she asked.

"Nothing bad," I said.

"Ok guys, we have to go now," said Luke.

"I'll come with you guys. You all need my help," said Harry.

We all agreed because the more the merrier. After some time, we reached Brian's house. I was still confused by Megan’s statement.

Luke came near me and asked, "Why are you looking so confused?"

"I think your mom is alive," I said.

"What the hell are you saying? She is dead. She can't come back," said Luke.

"No, she can. She said it through a note: “I'm alive.” We have left something unnoticed in the asylum," I replied.

"So, should we back to the asylum again?" asked Jane.

"Yup. But not today. We'll take some time to rest today. I can't go anywhere now. I'm so tired," I replied.

We had a nice evening. No troubles. We slept so peacefully. I slept with Jane in one room and the others slept in the other. I woke up feeling very fresh. I felt like I could even kick Natalie down.

We ate breakfast and went to the asylum. Once inside, we searched everywhere.

After a few minutes, we all reached the centre. We didn't find anything. Suddenly we heard a sound inside one of the rooms we had come from. We rushed inside it and saw that a secret passage had opened through the wall. It was too dark to walk in blindly. We used the flashlights on our phones and crept inside. It was so deep. It took us five hard minutes to reach a room. It was full of dead bodies. We were all shocked and speechless.

We searched everywhere but Megan was not there. "Is this a trap?" asked Jane. "No, I believe Megan. She has helped us all the way through. She was the one who helped us escape Natalie".While we were talking nervously, I noticed a wooden box in the room. We all went near it and opened it. We were all dumbstruck.

The Haunted Asylum ( Under Reconstruction )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora