Chapter 4

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I don't know what the hell is mean by necromancer but I know it's related to something very evil. The creature lingered towards us slowly.

"Sam, we better run now or we will be doomed" I whispered slowly and turned towards her but she had already started running.

"Ara!! Why are you standing there?" she cried. The creature was moving in a slow motion. It's just to make us afraid and not to come here again.

I started running along with Samara. I looked back after running for some time. There was no one behind us.

"Sam, you just left me there" I yelled at her. "I thought that you will start running, I'm sorry" she replied with her head facing the ground.

"Agnes is a little kind-hearted I guess because she didn't just kill us," I said. "No she is trying to do something else," said Samara with a concerned look.

"How do you know Sam?" I questioned her. "Because I'm Agnes" screamed Samara and started laughing wickedly.

"Please don't kill me" I begged. "I won't kill you if you do me a favor," she said. "What should I do?" I asked trembling in fear.

"You have to show your maths homework to Samara," she said and burst into laughter. "You fell for it cheaply Ara" she added.

"You Idiot!!! I was scared to death" I yelled. "I'm sorry Ara, you are so sensitive" she replied and hugged me.

"Ok, don't ever try to do this again or I'll kill you" I warned patting her. "We need to tell this to everyone," I said.

"No, no one will believe us, Ara," she said. "We need proof". "So?? You want to visit that place again" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Of course dear," she said with a smile.
"Are you mad or something? She will kill us the moment we enter that place again" I said and started walking away.

"Well, if you didn't come with me then I'll go by myself," said Samara. I stopped right there and said, "I will tell your mom not to allow you anywhere".

"I was just joking Ara, I'll never come back to this place," she said. After a hard walk filled with horrifying thoughts, we had reached Samara's house.

Her mom was standing outside waiting for someone. "Why are you standing outside mommy," asked Samara.

"Your cousin Zachary is coming today" she replied. "Wow, that's great. I haven't seen him for a long time" replied Samara with her face filled with joy.

I know Zachary very well. He is a very good guy with a healthy dose of humour. He didn't visit this place for a very long time.

"Come on Ara, he'll be here soon," said Hannah. We both went inside but Sam's mom was standing outside. I'm going to say everything that happened today to Zachary.

"No, that's not a good idea," I said. "He won't tell to anyone Ara. Don't be afraid" she said. "I...I am...not afraid" I stammered.

"I need to know the meaning of a necromancer. Because Agnes is a threat to the people who live here. Can you give me the dictionary?" I asked.

"No, I won't" replied Samara in a strange tone. "It's not the time for jokes Sam" I scolded. "I'm not Samara" she screamed.

"Don't you listen to me Samara" I yelled at her. Suddenly the chair near crashed on the window pane. I was dumbstruck after seeing that.

The colour of her eyes changed to pitch black. Her teeth were filled with blood stains. Her face was full of scars. She looked horrific.

She said "Born in sin..... Covered in the vile deeds... Believe in immortal while it feeds..... I'm the inevitability of you asine beings..... Inherited in evil I can summon any black-hearted with ease... I walk on blood as I strip you down....... Just call me sometime around...."

Oh shittt!!! This intro means that I'm doomed..... 

Check out the stories of  sugar123sweet. Her stories are awesome. She's the one who wrote this quote thing said by Agnes.

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