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The sports day was over and we had won the overall championship. I was not happy for that because we have a serious problem to be dealt with.

After school we both walked straight to Luke's house to discuss about this incident. After walking for about five minutes we reached it. I clicked the bell switch. Luke opened the door smiling at us.

"Hey, come inside guys. What's the matter?" he said. We walked inside his house and sat on the couch.

"We have very big problem," I said.

"What is it?" he asked nervously.

“We now have one more spirit trying to get a taste of our blood. She is your mother's partner in crime. She can even shape shift. Yesterday she shape-shifted to look like you and Miss Lucy," I said.

"…It's worse than I thought," said Luke. We sat in silence for a few moments. Suddenly Jane started to laugh wildly like a witch.

"Jane why are you laughing?" I asked in anger. This is a serious matter.

"Don't call me Jane. I'm Sarah. If you call me Jane again then I'll kill you," she whispered. I recoiled in shock.

"Mom, where are you? Why are you troubling us? What did we do to you? Come here, Come here," screamed Luke as tears rolled from his eyes.

Suddenly Megan appeared near Sarah – I mean, Jane.

"I'm going to kill your friend. Save her if you can. Ha Ha Ha," she said simply. Insects then came out of nowhere and started crawling all over them, even inside Jane's mouth. Suddenly Luke took a lighter from his pocket and swung it across at them. Megan screamed and disappeared but Sarah was still there.

"You can't kill me with that. Ha Ha Ha Ha! Try something new buddy," she laughed. “Better hurry, because on the count of three I'll kill your best friend. 1,2-"

"Stop!" I shouted. Suddenly I heard a whisper in my ear. "She won't kill Jane. It's an illusion. If she kills Jane while inside her body then she will die too. Your fear gives her power. So don't be afraid, be brave." I don't know who whispered in my ear but since I had no other options, I listened. I put on a brave face.

Sarah looked at me with wild eyes, said, "It's too late baby!” and pushed the knife inside Jane's throat.

Luke ran to Jane and started to cry. I grabbed Jane’s arm and checked her heart beat. Thank God, she was alive. As suddenly as all of this had happened, the hole in Jane's throat disappeared. Luke was surprised and gaped at me with an open mouth. I smiled at him and we both carried Jane to the couch.

"How did the hole disappear?" asked Luke.

"I don't know but it's an illusion. Sarah sucks power from our fear. So be brave. Someone whispered this to me when we were standing before Sarah.”

"Is there a there a third spirit that is trying to help us?” he asked. I don't know. I'm confused. Who might it be? But someone is clearly trying to help us. We have to find out who helped us before Sarah comes again. We need to know what’s going on.

After about fifteen minutes of silence Jane woke up, confused, and asked, "What happened to me? Why am I sleeping here?"

"You were possessed,” said Luke. “Sarah was inside you. She even killed you, or I thought she did, but it was an illusion to absorb powers from our fears. Don't worry, now you’re fine."

"I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way," said Jane, crying.

"Hey don't cry. You didn't harm us. We will find a solution to this," I said, wiping her tears with a tissue. After Jane calmed down, we both went back to our respective houses.

I was trying to process everything that had happened while eating my dinner when someone knocked the door. I rushed over to open it but no one was there. I closed the door and turned around to go back to the dinner table. I jumped in horror. Sarah was standing in front of me.

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