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Megan's body was inside the wooden box. Tears rolled from Luke's eyes. Luke and Harry took her body and laid it in the hospital bed. We all stared at her body. No movements.

Suddenly the bed started to shake heavily. Megan's body was bouncing. Then the eyes opened. We all stepped back. We don't know whether she was Megan or not. "Don't be afraid, I'm Megan," she said. Luke ran to her and gave a hug.

"Don't worry, children. I'll help you get rid of Natalie. She is the one who will trouble you. She had used us to distract everyone. Everyone thinks that we are evil but she comes and absorbs all of our powers. Let's go home. I'll explain everything clearly," she said with a smile. We agreed to it. We went home quickly, eager to know more.

Megan stood outside her house and started to cry. Luke went to her and hugged her tightly. It made her feel better. We opened the door and went inside. Megan looked at everything with surprise. She went to the room where Luke's dad was kept.

After exploring all the rooms, she came and sat on the couch with us. "Many things are changed. You have grown into a beautiful young man," she said to Luke with a smile. Luke smiled. We were very happy to see Megan alive. Now I'm very sure that we can get rid of Natalie.

"How did you get into the asylum?" I asked.

"After Luke's birth, I had started to see things. At first, I didn't know who it was. I told my family and friends but they didn't believe me. They all saw me as mental. I was the only one who was affected by Natalie.

“Things got worse. I went to the church for help but they asked for proof. I had nothing as proof. So I thought to handle this by myself but I couldn't fight her by myself. I needed help but no one could help me.

“One day my husband took me to the hospital. The doctor didn't believe anything I said. She asked my husband to admit me into the asylum. I cried and cried but it was of no use. The next thing I knew, I was in the asylum alone.

“I was experiencing things even there. That's where I came to know that her name is Natalie. I asked her the reason for troubling me. She said that she wanted my soul to get powerful. I refused to do what she wanted. But she didn't leave me.

“I was very afraid after knowing that she wanted my soul. I told the doctors but they didn't believe. So, I killed one of them. They took me to an isolated room with more security. That made things easier for Natalie. She didn't absorb my soul but she separated it from my body and hid my body somewhere," Megan said.

"What about Sarah and her son?" I asked.

“That's not Sarah's son. Sarah didn't have a child. That was just to distract you, as I said before. I'll tell you her story later because I'm so tired right now," she said.

After saying this she got up and went into another room. We all were still seated on the couch. I finally stood up after a while and went to get a drink of water. The others decided to go to sleep, but I sat on the couch, thinking.

The lights suddenly went out and darkness surrounded me. I heard a sound in the kitchen. I rushed to see who it was. It was Jane.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I felt thirsty so I came to get a drink of water," she replied. I felt a little sleepy so I waved my hand at her and went to sleep. I went to my room and I was shocked by the sight I was greeted with. Jane was sleeping in the bed. I rushed to her and woke her up.

"Where were you for the past five minutes?" I asked.

"I was sleeping. Is there any problem?" she asked. Then who was drinking water??

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