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Sarah began to speak. "What I did to your friend last time may just have been an illusion, but now I'm going to show you reality. Ha Ha Ha!

I'll bring out the fear inside you and increase my power. You can't do anything but sit and cry like a baby.”
My mom and dad are asleep.

So no one can save me. I have to find where her powers are being stored. That's the only way to kill her.

She opened her blood-dripping mouth – it smelled horrible – to eat me. But I ran to the bathroom and closed the door. Sarah didn't follow me. But why? Is she doing something else?

I opened the door slowly but no one was there. I slowly walked into the hall. Utter silence was maintained around me. I walked into the kitchen but no one.

Then I walked to mom and dad's room and they were sleeping alone too. The last spot was my room.

I walked inside slowly inside and no one was there either. Where is Sarah?  Why did she go? Is it some sort of plan to get me? I don't know.

I decided to just get back in bed and sleep. I had a nightmare where Jane and Luke were killed by Sarah and Megan.

I woke up in the middle of the night and went to bathroom to calm myself down.

On the bathroom wall something was written in blood. "I AM ALIVE. PLEASE HELP ME.” My blood ran cold. My mind whirled with questions. Who needs help from me? Is this a third spirit or is Sarah trying to play with my fear?

I went back to bed again and, exhausted from all this craziness, fell into a deep sleep. I woke up on the morning as usual and got ready for school. I went downstairs to eat my breakfast but it was not there.

I called Mom but she didn't reply. I went to her room. Mom and Dad were still sleeping. It might be holiday today for them.

I let them sleep and ate bread and jam for breakfast. After eating I closed all the doors and went to school.
When I got into class, I saw Jane crying. I ran to her and asked what was wrong.

She looked up at me with teary eyes. "Sarah stole the souls from my mom and dad! They didn't wake up when I got dressed!"

My heart stopped for a moment. I realized something."This is the same situation in my house too… Sarah stole my parents’ souls too!" I said, crying. Jane and I hugged each other as we cried.

Luke was not at school that day, so Jane and I both ran to Luke's house after school was over. We found him crying, watching his father who was laid in his bed. Sarah stole his soul too.

She’s become too powerful. That's why she talked to me about reality. I am a fool. Why didn't I check on my parents yesterday night properly?

After Luke had calmed down a bit, we told him what had happened to us. I saw anger in his eyes."We must go back to the asylum and find out more about them," I said.

"But why is Megan not appearing now?" asked Jane. "I don't know, but we have to find a solution for this as quickly as possible," I said.

We all walked out of Luke's house. We three were alone, with no parents, on the road. Matters can't get worse than this.

We decided to stay together at my house today and go to the asylum tomorrow. We closed all the windows and doors of Luke's house and took the house key with us. We did the same for Jane's house too. The last stop was my house.

I opened the front door and we entered inside. I felt that we were not the only ones inside. I had everyone check every room. No one was there. We took turns guarding ourselves. First myself and Jane slept, Luke guarded. Next Luke slept and Jane and I guarded.

It was the middle of the night, Jane and I were guarding, when we suddenly heard a sound behind us. Luke woke up. The three of us turned around simultaneously and were shocked to death!!!

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