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I don't know what the hell is going on. If someone changes well then another evil spirit comes into play. I hate these kinds of things.

"Why didn't you trouble us in the past week?" asked Jane.

“Natalie called me for a little help yesterday, that's why I'm here now. I'm gonna kill you guys soon. You all better pray to God to save you," she said and started to laugh.

Megan held out the crucifix again and said, "If you didn't say where Natalie is, then I'll send you back to the place where you are from."

"Ha Ha! Nice try but this can't do anything to me," she said while laughing. 

Suddenly Cindy disappeared. We couldn't find out where Natalie is or her what her real name could be. We began to search the house, hoping we would find some sort of clue. After searching for about ten minutes we still hadn’t found anything.

Suddenly we heard a sound in one of the rooms. We rushed inside and a photo frame was on the floor. I went near it to get a closer look. It was a photo of a young girl. It was Natalie.

In the corner of the frame was written “ St. Joseph Street, Tuscumbia, 24 June.” In the photo, Natalie was standing in front of a huge house. I turned to Megan and said, "We have to go there tomorrow."

"Not tomorrow, now," she replied with a smile.

"Is my father really dead?" asked Harry.

"No, I promise she is only saying that to bring the fear out of you. It gives her more power. So, don't be afraid," said Brian.

"We’d better hurry because it'll take a lot of time to get to Tuscumbia," said Jane.

"Yeah it'll take approximately fifteen hours to go there," said Harry.

"Then let's move now," I said. Harry offered to drive because he is the most experienced of us all in driving.

We started our journey to Tuscumbia. I hate long travels but I had to do this. We ate our lunch at a restaurant on the way, which was quite spooky. There was no one there except the workers.

We ate until our stomachs were full. The lunch was very excellent. We were all mesmerized by it but Harry hated it. He didn't eat anything.

We resumed our journey.

I suddenly felt a little pain in my head, and before I could figure out what was going on everything went black. I woke with a start when someone sprinkled water on me. It was Harry. Everyone had fainted except him.

"Something is wrong with the food we just ate," said Megan.

“Thank god I didn't eat it, otherwise it would have been a disaster," Harry said.

“Natalie is trying to stop us," said Jane.

"We don't have much time. Let's move," said Brian.

We were only halfway to Tuscumbia. It'll take seven hours to reach there from here. However, there were no troubles after the incident with the restaurant.

I slept for most of the seven hours. Megan woke me up just before we reached Tuscumbia. She said it was just a five-minute drive from here. We reached it quickly, but then we were at a loss of where to go. The number of the house was not mentioned or visible in the photo.

So, we went into the first house of the street. A young boy was playing with a ball just outside it. We asked him to call his mother. After some time, a young woman with short blonde hair came towards us. "Hello, I'm Teresa. Can I help you with anything?" she asked with a smile.

"We are here to find the house of a woman named Natalie who was involved in witchcraft when she was young," I said.

The woman’s face turned pale and she asked, "Do you mean Samara?"

The Haunted Asylum ( Under Reconstruction )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ