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"Who the hell is this?" asked Brian.

"I don't know," said Luke.

"Do you want to know who I am? Hmm... Let me say, then. I'm Natalie. That's how people call me. And I'm here to warn you. If you interfere in this matter anymore then you all will suffer. I have a lot of work to do. I can kill all of you within seconds but I'm giving you guys a chance," she said, laughing. I was too afraid to argue. Her voice was so terrifying. I could feel her immense power through her voice.

Suddenly Jane had fainted. The file in my hand suddenly disappeared. Luke rushed to get water to sprinkle it on Jane's face. After a minute he came with some water. We sprinkled it on her. She woke with a startle.

"She is too dangerous. I could feel it when she possessed me. We can't kill her. Her soul was too powerful. I'm afraid we can't survive," said Jane.

"It's ok, we will find a solution to this," Brian said.

I am getting too tired with fighting these filthy spirits. I really need rest. I can barely walk. I can't get home by walking.

"We can't walk home carrying Jane. We need someone to help," said Luke.

"I can help you guys," a boy who looked older than Brian said.

He had green eyes and long brown hair that made him look like Harry Styles.

"What's your name?" asked Jane.

"How did you know we were here?" asked Brian.

"I know everything that has happened to you. My Name is Harry, son of Ms. Natalie," he said.

Great, it's like a war between mothers and their kids. But the happiest part is that we are at least getting stronger and stronger.

"I've brought my car. If you guys agree to let me drive you, then we can go home," he said. We all agreed to it.

He helped us carry Jane to the car and we drove away. We didn't go to Brian's house. We were going to Harry's house. After a silent travel we reached his house. It was huge and looked new.

"Is this where your mother lived?" I asked.

“Yup, but it was rebuilt last year,” Harry answered.

"Who else is living with you?" asked Brian.

"No one. I'm alone. My mom died when I was just two years old. My father left me with my aunt. I haven’t seen him since that day," he replied.

“Can you tell us what happened to your mom?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. Please come inside," he said. We went into his house and sat on the black couch. It was so cozy. "Natalie was my mom,” Harry began. “She was involved in witchcraft when she was young. Everyone hated her because of her behavior.
“She didn't go to school as she had evil work to do at home. When she was twenty she had absorbed her first soul. It was her mother. Later she killed her father too. Then she had left the house and married my father Rick. One day she started to act differently, though.
“She took to screaming when she was asleep. My father and the neighbors always rushed into her room, but nothing could be done to stop it. She began to talk to herself often. My father took her to a doctor named Sarah.
“Sarah asked my father to admit my mom to the asylum. My mom was very angry on her. Without hesitation my father left my mother in the hospital. She was pregnant when she was admitted. I was born after a few days. My father took me with him and left my mom alone in the asylum," he said.

"Yeah, he left me alone in the asylum. I'll never forgive him," said Jane, I mean... Natalie.

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