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Their next class was English. "This class is going to be super I guess," said Samara because English is her favourite subject. Mrs Lauren is her favourite teacher too.

"Hello students, I have an assignment for all of you," she said with a bright smile. All the students were sad except Samara.

"You have to collect details about any famous places around our Alabama. Work as pairs so that it'll be easy" she added. 

"I've got an idea" whispered Samara to Ara. Ara already knew what Sam's going to say.

"We will go to the haunted forest and collect information about it" she added and looked at Ara for a positive answer.

"Ok, but I won't stay for a long time" replied Ara. Samara jumped in happiness and said, "Thank you so much bestie".

Samara kept on thinking about the forest the rest of the class. The school was over and both of them were walking towards their home.

"I'm so excited Ara," said Samara. "Yeah, me too," said Ara rolling her eyes. "We should take any elder with us" she added.

"No, we can manage," said Samara. "Ok, we'll go there tomorrow after breakfast," said Ara but she was not happy going alone.

"Mom!! I'm home" shouted Samara entering the house. She waved her hands and said, "Bye Ara, will see you tomorrow".  

"How was your day dear," asked Hannah. "Boring as usual," said Samara. "Did you write any test?" asked Hannah. "Yeah, but I didn't do well" replied Samara casually.

"Cuándo hablarás en serio?"( "When will you be serious?" ) asked Hannah. Hannah usually speaks in Spanish when she is angry.

"Lo siento mama"( "I'm sorry mom") replied Samara in a sad tone. "It's ok, now go and do your homework," said Hannah.

Samara climbed the stairs slowly carrying her backpack. "If I complete all my works today then I can enjoy with Ara tomorrow, " said Samara to herself.

She sat on her table and started to do her homework. She is actually intelligent but she is lazy to do work that's why she is not studying well.

She is a great writer especially a horror writer. She always writes whenever she is angry at someone. She kills them in her stories and gets satisfied.

The most skilled person is her maths teacher. Who knows that she will become a real killer very soon......

She had completed her homework in an hour or so and went downstairs to have dinner. Hannah was waiting for her on the dining table.

"I just made sandwiches for dinner because I was busy," said Hannah. " I will eat it, mom, no worries," said Samara smiling.

After eating she went back to her room to sleep. She laid on the bed thinking about the next day. Soon she drifted to sleep.

She had a very strange dream. Ara and Samara were caught and tied by a person whose face is not visible. They were caught in the haunted forest when they were exploring.

The person was performing some kind of ritual. After Sometime the figure stood and moved slowly towards Ara and took a knife and started stabbing her continuously.

Samara screamed for help but no one can hear them. Ara was dead. The figure then faced Samara and said: "You shouldn't have come here".

Suddenly Samara woke up and found that she was dreaming. "That felt so real, thank god I'm alive," she said to herself and went back to sleep.

"Samara, wake up!! Ara's here" the voice of Hannah echoed inside Samara's room. She woke up slowly and saw Ara and Hannah standing in front of her.

She noticed something unreal, both of them had no eyes, just sockets. They both had a knife in their hands. "You made us do this," they said at the same time and raised the knife on air.

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