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Jane held my hand tightly. Luke sat there paralyzed. I looked around us for any sign of Megan. I can't express the feelings I had during that time. My intestines were twisting. My brain was confused and my body nearly paralyzed.

A few minutes passed in silence before we heard a sound behind us. We slowly turned back but we couldn't see anything as it was so dark. Then, just as we relaxed, a creature with twisted legs slowly emerged from the darkness and walked towards us.

It was Megan.

I went to grab the candle to defend us but it was far away from me. If I move to take it then Megan will kill me.

The three of us just stood there, watching the ghost walk towards us.

"Mom why are you troubling us," screamed Luke.

The creature, Megan, turned towards Luke and opened its horrible mouth full of insects to scream. Suddenly Luke took a candle and match box from his pocket and lit the candle. Megan moved back after seeing the flame burn.

"I knew she would attack us. That's why I had it for safety," he said as he moved towards Megan with the candle. Megan moved back again and again, and eventually she screamed and vanished. We had won the battle.

"Yay, we have found a way to kill Megan!" I said, nearly jumping with relief.

"No, it's not so easy as you think. She hasn’t even turned into her violent form. If she turns into that, then we are all dead," he replied.


Back at home I was eating my dinner with my parents when a thought came to me.

"Do you believe in ghosts, mom?" I asked.

"No dear, they are just characters in stories," she replied, touching my shoulder.

But I know ghosts are real and one is haunting me and my friends. But I can't say this to anyone because no one will believe me. I guess not even my mom.

After finishing my dinner I went to bed. I was playing some games before going to sleep when suddenly the phone screen went black. A picture slowly developed on the screen. It was Megan. I kept on watching it as it continued to materialize.

Then suddenly two hands came out through the screen and grabbed onto my hands tightly. I couldn't move at all. I couldn’t scream. She, it, was pulling me inside. I heard footsteps coming towards my room. Megan was still holding me tightly. A shadow appeared near my room door. I knew it was mom because of the shadow of her hair. Just as she opened the door the ghost disappeared and my phone screen turned back to normal.

"Enough playing games, because you have to go to school early. Good night. Sweet dreams," she said as she switched off the lights. My mom closed the door and walked away.

I just lay on my bed, thinking about Megan. I had candles and match boxes near me for safety, but it looks like they couldn’t do much if creatures were popping out of my phone.

I felt something suddenly creep on my bed sheet, and it jerked me from my thoughts. I jumped in horror. It was just an insect. I killed it with my diary. Then one more insect came from the direction of the bathroom. I killed it too. I walked towards the bathroom slowly. The whole world was silent.

I slowly opened the door and I wanted to scream but I didn't because everyone was sleeping. Megan was standing inside the bathroom, with insects crawling on her. There were thousands of them. I ran out of the room as fast as I could but suddenly she appeared before me. I had kept the candle and match box at my bed itself. Without those I can't do anything.

She slowly walked towards me. I ran downstairs. She followed me. I rushed to the kitchen to get a match box. She followed me, quickening her pace. I managed to find the matchbox and opened it but there was only one match stick left.

I used it without hesitation, to bring out fire quickly, but it didn’t work.

It, Megan, the creature, opened its beautiful mouth and tried to bite me, but I dodged just in time. I then had an idea. I rushed quickly away from the creature, fumbled through a drawer for a lighter, and lit the stove. The fire from the burners made Megan disappear.

I went back to bed, panting, and I noticed that I had gotten a text from Jane.

"I was attacked.”

But how is that possible? Because Megan was here haunting me!!

The Haunted Asylum ( Under Reconstruction )Where stories live. Discover now