Chapter 5

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I started running downstairs because I don't want to risk my life fighting an evil necromancer. I ran as fast as I could and stopped when I saw Hannah. Zach was standing there holding a bag.

"Samara... Agnes.... Possessed... Help" I blabbered. "Calm down Ara, take a breath and tell me what happened?" said Hannah. "Samara is possessed" I said without hesitation.

"Are you trying to prank me?" asked Zach. "No, I'm telling the truth. She is really possessed" I yelled at him. "Ok! Calm down, have a glass of water. I'll go and check Samara" said Hannah.

Hannah climbed the stairs quickly and went inside Samara's room. "You can't fool me like the last time Ara" said Zach with a big smile. "No, I'm not putting up a prank. I'll tell you everything later" I said and took a sip of water.

Suddenly Hannah hurried down the stairs shouting "Call a doctor!!!!". I jumped in fear knocking down the glass. "What happend??" I asked breathing heavily. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Samara was lying on the floor when I went inside the room" she replied wiping the tears of her cheeks. "I knew it, she did this to her" I said biting my teeth.

"Who did this?" asked Zach. "A woman living in the outskirts of this village. Her name is Agnes. She is a necromancer" I replied. "A what??" he asked again. "Stop asking questions and find help" I yelled at him.

He ran outside the house to ask for help. I rushed upstairs to see Samara. But to my surprise she was standing infront of me laughing. "No one will believe you Ara.

Everyone are thinking that Samara fainted but you know the truth and yoi can't do anything" she whispered with an evil smile.

"Samara!!! If you can hear me please try to regain control. Don't let her control you. It's very hard but please try your level best. Only you can defeat her" I screamed.

"She can't hear you Ara, don't waste your time" she said. "What do you want" I cried. "I want Samara" she replied and fell on the floor. I heard the footsteps coming towards us. It's the doctor and some of his men. He's here to examine Samara but nothing will happen.

"Hello, I'm doctor Ben. Can you please wait outside?" he requested. I walked out of the room praying to God. Hannah was standing there talking to Zach.

"We have to call a priest not a doctor" I said. "What happened to you are Ara" he said. "Why are you acting so weird since my arrival". "Nothing has happened to me, it's all about Samara!!" I screamed and walked away.

Zach followed me and grabbed my hand "Tell me what happend?" "I'll believe you". I started to narrate the incidents"It all began today morning when Samara and I went to the forest to collect details for an assignment.

There was a house in which a necromancer lived". "Wait..Who there been is a necromancer?" he interrupted. "I don't even know the meaning but I know she's evil" I said.

He rushed inside a room and picked up a dictionary to refer the word. He flipped through the pages quickly. Sweat rolled on his forehead and his hands were trembling.

"A necromancer is a person who involves in witchcraft" he said and closed the dictionary. "How do you know that she is a necromancer??" he asked with a concerned look.

"She told us so. I asked Samara not to mess with her but she didn't obey me" I said. "If what you are saying is real them we are in serious trouble" he said.

Suddenly we heard someone scream. It's the sound of Dr.Ben. We rushed upstairs to check whether everyone were alright but they were not.

Samara was tied in a bed and Dr. Ben's hand was bleeding. Samara was screaming in pain and the other men were holding her body still. As soon as she saw me she said with "You wanted this Ara".

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