Chapter 6

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"What do you want Agnes?" I asked. "Ara, I'm Samara, please help me" she cried. "No, you are not Samara. Please leave her alone" I begged. 

"Zach and Ara get out this room,"  said Hannah giving Zach a little push. Zach pulled me out of the room. "I can't let her die," I said pushing Zach away but he was so powerful.

"We need to see a priest or else Agnes will kill Samara" I added. "Ok, we will meet a priest" Zach agreed. When we came out of her house a lot of people were standing outside.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. Everything was fine yesterday but now Samara is dying. I have to put an end to this soon.
The roads were almost empty just two dogs barking at each other.

"Hello, how can I help you?" a young woman asked. She looked like a nun.We are here to talk to the priest. "What's the matter? You can tell me," she asked. I recited the whole incident to her.

"I'm not sure whether this is really a problem. Maybe she is faking it" she said. "No, Samara is not like that. I was with her the whole time. Everything is real" I said.

"Can you please let us in?" Zach pleaded. The nun pointed to a man who was seated at the corner of a bench and told us to meet him. We walked towards him and stood there silently because he was praying

"What do you want kids?" he asked. He didn't wear the dress that priests wear. "Are you a priest?" Zach asked in a low tone. "An Exorcist to be precise" he replied.

"Will you help us?" I asked. "What's the problem kid?" he asked. I recited everything again. "Will you perform an exorcism?" I asked. "No, I can't perform an exorcism without the approval of the church," he said a little disappointed.

"How can we get the approval of the church?" Zach asked. "There are certain signs that prove that she is possessed," he said. "Did she speak any other language?".

"No, I haven't seen her talking a different language" I replied with a sigh. "Did she do anything that cannot be done by a human?" he asked. I shook my head from left to right.

"Sometimes the spirit does not reveal itself. We have to trigger Samara's emotions to unleash the spirit. I can do that if I meet her" he added.  

"Hannah an exorcist is here," said Zach. "Why did you bring him here?" she shouted. "He is the only one who can help us now Hannah," I tried to convince her but she didn't agree.

"At least just allow him to see" I begged. She agreed with a sigh. "Mrs Hannah, I'm Marcus. I'm here just to check whether she is possessed or not" he said. "She is not possessed, she's mentally affected" Dr Ben interrupted.

"Let me take a closer look at her" Marcus asked Hannah. 'Yes, but you should not do anything" she replied. Marcus walked to Samara and asked, "Am I speaking to the spirit inside this girl?".

"Mom! Why did you bring a priest?" shouted Samara. "I don't want him in here" she added. "Are you afraid of me??" asked Marcus. "Why should I be afraid of you?" she replied with a smile.

"Because I'm going to send you to hell you unclean spirit" he shouted. The bed in which Samara was laid began to shake. "Doctor can you explain this with mental sickness??" screamed Marcus.

The doctor stood there frozen. I caught hold of Zach's hand in fear. "El final está cerca Marcus" (The end is near Marcus) screamed Samara and slammed him in the door.

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