Chapter 21

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"Do I look okay?" I ask my mother nervously. "I want to look presentable."

I turn away from her to look at myself in the mirror. I glance at my pastel blue sweater and white jeans with uncertainty. Zane told me that I didn't have to dress up but I was still unsure.

"Zuri, you look fine." My mother says as I watch her smooth my hair down some more.

"Should I put on a dress?" I look at her through the mirror.

"I thought Zane said to look casual?"

"Mom, it's Zane. Of course he would say that."

"Well you're only going to his house for dinner so I think you look okay."

I glance at my outfit and tuck my hair behind my ears. I twist my body in different angles to assure that I look okay and reach for my shoes. "I just don't want to look unpresentable when I meet his grandparents."

"Zuri, you are fine. Stop worrying." She rolls her eyes at my uncertainty.

I was going to be meeting Zane's grandparents today. They flew from Toronto and are staying for the week. I know that Zane loves his grandparents and so I was looking forward to meeting them. But I knew that I also wanted them to like me. And though we hate to admit it, first impressions and what you wear can mean everything to a person. Although I was happy to be meeting more of his family, it also made me nervous. My mother told me that my feelings were rational because we all want our loved ones' family to like and accept us, but she also said I should try to relax. Knowing me, I'd be the one to ruin a good time simply because I can't control my anxiety.

"Should I go to the store and pick up a dessert? I didn't think to make one but now I'm regretting my decision." I turn away from the mirror to look at my mother.

"If that will make you feel better, sure. But I'm sure they won't hate you for not bringing one." She smiles.

"In that case I'd better get going if I want to have enough time to go to the grocery store and make it to his house in time." I rush towards my coat hanger to grab my parka and shrug it on. I spray a little perfume and swipe on some lip gloss. I grab my small purse and both my mother and I exit my room.

She wishes me good luck before leaving and I head out to my car. My trip to the store is short and I end up buying a vanilla cheesecake because I remember Claire, Zane's mother, saying that she loved cheesecake. I just hoped his grandparents didn't mind it.

During the drive to the Khan household I grew excited though I was still nervous to be meeting his grandparents. I knew they were his father's parents and I know the thought of Zane's father and his death is a touchy subject. Even to this day, Zane doesn't like talking about him. Whenever I try to talk about it he dismisses it or he will question me about my biological father. So I was interested to see how the night would play out.

I grab my cheesecake and get out of the car. When I reach the front door, I ring the doorbell and wait patiently. I can hear people talking and laughing inside of the house and soon, the door is swinging open. Claire's blue eyes stare at me with a happy smile.

"Zuri, welcome." She leans forward to give me a brief hug. She steps aside so that I can enter the house.

"Thank you for inviting me," I smile.

"You know you're always welcome." She closes the door behind me.

"I brought some cheesecake since I know you like it." I hold the large cake up and she stares at it with pleased eyes.

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