Do you want the divorce?

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Steve went to the Nanny Cindy's house, but he called her to warn that he would drop the kids there before.

Cindy greeted Steve and he greeted Cindy's grandmother, a very nice old lady who loves Steve and his kids.

S: Sarah and James don't give Mrs. Johnson any work. Okay?

- Oh don't worry, they behave very well. And Grandma's going to make some delicious cookies for them.

Sarah: Yayyy!

Steve smiled and waved to his kids to say goodbye, he got in the car and drove to the address of Natasha's new apartment.

Upon arriving at the building, Steve went up the stairs, despite having an elevator. He rang the bell and waited. He rang again and noticed that the bell wasn't make any sound, then Steve knocked on the door.

N: One minute!

Steve heard the noise of things falling to the floor.

S: Natasha?? Is everything okay in there?

N: Yeah! It's just... Wait...

Natasha opened the door and she was holding a broom and she was a little disheveled as well. Steve frowned at her condition.

S: What is going on?

Natasha put her hand on Steve's mouth for him to shut up.

N: Sh... Did you hear that?

Steve shook his head and raised his eyebrows, feeling confused. Natasha let go of his mouth and looked at the kitchen counter, she ran up there, while Steve came in and closed the door behind him.

S: Natasha?

N: He's here, I can hear him.

S: Who?

Steve understood what she was talking about, when a huge rat ran down the hall. Steve ran after him, but the rat went into the bathroom and down the drain.

Natasha reached the bathroom after Steve with the broom in her hand. Steve put his hands on his waist and looked at Natasha.

S: He's gone. Sorry.

N: Are you sure?

S: He went down that drain, but he'll come back. You have to put a net and a lid here.

N: I have to do a lot of things in this place.

Natasha said coming out of the bathroom and putting the broom against the wall. Steve followed her.

N: I don't even have water in here.

Natasha turned the switch on, but there was no electricity.

N: Dammit! And I have no electricity either.

S: I hope it was very cheap.

N: It was not! But I fell in love with this place and I didn't want to see others, I was dumb.

Steve looked around and walked, looking at the window and then looking at the kitchen.

S: It's not that bad, when you make some renovations, it will be perfect.

Natasha watched Steve and she gave a half smile, she was analyzing him.

Natasha is frustrated, chasing a rat, with no water and no electricity in her brand-new apartment, and Steve can still see the good side of it.

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