I can't say goodbye

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Natasha frowned, then smiled.

N: I love you too, Steve, but...

S: Do you want to marry me??

Steve interrupted Natasha abruptly.

Steve could hear Natasha's breath as she sighed. Her silence on the phone was unbearable.

What did I do? I should have waited until tomorrow, until the ring arrives here and propose the right way... It was not meant to be like that. Damn it, Rogers! Steve thought, during Natasha's four seconds of silence, that it sounded to Steve like four hours.

N: Do you want to marry me again? Steve, that doesn't make any sense. I...

Natasha sighed again, before answering.

S: Yes or no?

N: Yes...

Natasha frowned with her answer but again she was smiling like a silly teenager in love.

S: I'm sorry, it was a horrible idea to do this over the phone, I don't know what hit me, you're right to refuse the proposal, so...

N: Steve! I said yes!

S: Huh?

N: I said yes... I want to marry you.

Natasha couldn't see, but she could tell that Steve was smiling, and he was letting out a brief laugh, she imagined him celebrating the news all by himself and that made her smile too.

S: My God, I love you so much, Natasha, so much! I'm happy, are you happy?

N: No. Not completely because of Lily.

S: I understand, but we're getting married.

N: I will not wear any stupid dresses.

S: I don't care. I just want you, the kids, the babies... and Sarah's cat.

Steve sighed, trying to calm down, he was very exalted with the proposal.

S: How... how are Sarah and James?

N: When I arrived, they were already asleep. Laura's been great for us.

S: I know. Tell them I'm missing them both and also Nick.

N: Okay, soldier, I see you tomorrow.

S: Right. Natasha?

N: What???

S: I love you.

Natasha sighed and Steve could imagine her rolling her eyes now, but he didn't mind, he wanted to repeat that a thousand times and scream through the hallways of the hospital.

N: I'm not deaf, you've said that enough, and that will not make me say back to you.

S: I know, it doesn't matter.

N: Good night, Rogers.

S: Good night.

Steve hung up and smiled, he entered the room and approached Lindsay's crib, still smiling.

Steve slept in the chair, just like John, so Anne could rest better by sleeping on the couch. Early in the morning, Steve was getting a call from Natasha.

S: Hey ...

N: How did she stay at night?

S: Well. Aren't you coming here?

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