Lindsay's Rescue

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S: You don't know? How come you don't know????

Steve saw John helping Anne land, Steve went straight to Anne and grabbed her arms, lifting her off the ground. Steve had a certain hatred in his eyes that frightened them all. It seemed he was going to punch Anne.

Two agents tried to hold Steve, but they couldn't even move his body.

S: Where is she?

Anne didn't answer, only cried.

John: Steve, please.

More agents came to hold Steve and he grabbed Anne's neck and squeezed it tightly as he knocked down agents on the floor with the other hand. John tried to loosen Anne and Steve punched his face, leaving him unconscious right away.

S: Where is she, huh??? I will not ask again!

A: I... I don't know.

S: Yes, you do! You kidnapped her! Think again or I swear...

Steve squeezed her neck harder, making Anne choke and not even after that, Steve was merciful.

A: I... I don't remember.

S: Oh, you don't?

Hill: Anne, I'm sure you care about Lindsayyou know she is just a baby... she is going to die without her oxygen equipment.

A: I'm really sorry. I...

H: I know you're sorry, help us find her, please.

A: I wish I could help.

S: Liar!

Steve was so angry, his hand tightening around Anne's neck.

H: Let her go, Steve!

Hill put her hand on her gun.

H: Let go or I'll have to shoot you!

Steve looked at Hill's hand in the gun.

H: Don't make me do this, Rogers!

Steve was out of his mind, he grabbed Hill's neck tightly, and she kicked his belly to try to break free from him, Hill knows the techniques of hitting someone bigger than her, so she knew Steve had a weak spot near his belly, Steve felt a fine pain and dropped Hill that fell to the ground and coughed trying to recover.

Steve looked at Hill on the floor and felt remorse, he let go of Anne and walked away.

FBI agents handcuffed Steve.

- Sorry, Captain is for your own protection.

The FBI chief helped Hill get up.

- Maybe we should work with the missing baby's mother instead. The Black Widow.

H: No... it would be worse.

Hill put a hand stroked her own neck to ease the pain.

H: Steve was being merciful, Natasha was not going to be that good.

- How so?

H: Have you ever had any cases of torture in your agency?

- Countless.

H: I'm sure you have't seen anything like what Natasha can do.

S: Hill, I'm so sorry.

H: It's all right, Steve, it was not the first time you have your hands around my neck to kill me, was it?

H: It's all right, Steve, it was not the first time you have your hands around my neck to kill me, was it?

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