3| Distress

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(Y/n) P.O.V

It took a few days for me to absorb the words Mori told me. It felt like it ripped and penetrated into my soul and hit the deepest part of my past, letting the suffering open once again like a wound. I hadn't slept since that day, fearing that the thought of him would throw fuel into the fire of my nightmares, burning away at me. I could already vision it...

During the night, I filled my mouth and stomach with coffee or alcohol to keep myself awake. I trained hand to hand combat with Chuuya until my knuckles were red raw at the start of the week, training for this mission. I repeated over and over, muscle burning during the exercises for hours and hours even after Chuuya told me to rest. No ability would work against this man; and almost no physical strength. He was the highest ranked in physical strength in the Mafia, and with a single touch he could cancel any gift. He could, and will, send anyone flying through the wall.

I had to be prepared to fight him, and I know that better than most people.

I kept kicking the punch bag, with all the force I had in my legs until they burned. The thought of him and what he had done to me in my head. I locked that thought into my vision and used t to beat up my target. The bag swung far from the impact, dust flying of from the leather material. As soon as it came back, I fiercely and swiftly kicked it again, rage. I continued, loosing track of inessential time, only wanting to finally serve him the the revenge he deserved.

My breathing was erratic and my eyes had a heavy weight upon them, which grew heavier every minuet I didn't stop for a break. I stopped, dropping my hands from their fighting stance, hoping to gain my strength back. It was then when I realised how weak I made myself when my strength never came back. Maybe I overdone it a little bit.

I trudged across the empty, dusty training room at the bottom of the Mafia establishment- where it's deserted and and filled with echos from the chatter from the floors above. It was never kept in fantastic conditions either... maybe I should plan a training ground for just the higher up.

Pushing that sweet thought aside, I sat on a metal café-like chair, and the sound of it high pitched grating sound against the concrete hurt my ears. I wince at the sound, and then slowly grab my coffee cup underneath it. I sit back in my chair and sigh, grateful to finally rest my aching muscles.
But before I could take a sip from the liquid, I was interrupted by a friend.

"Don't tell me you're afraid."

I closed my eyes, irritated as if a bug had bit me. I knew who that was, and I knew where this conversation would lead. I put the cup in my lap, not ready to deal with a heated conversation due to my tiredness. My head was already starting to doze off.

"I'm angered." I simply sigh through my weak voice. My drowsy eyes turn to Akutagawa, his face looking no pallid and attire looking no more black and gothic than usual. His grey eyes scanned the dim, plastered room, only to see a swaying punch bag, training mat and a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. He didn't look concerned, nor did he feel it. He was that kind of person- stoic.

"So I'm guessing Mori wants you on the mission to capture the Were- Tiger as well?" I asked, curious if I would be accompanied by him.

"Of course. At least I will be fit enough for it." He replied, bragging and stuffing his hands into his pockets. I sighed. He disapproved of my over powering training and I could imagine he didn't like they way I looked right now. I didn't even want to view myself.

"How long have you been down here for?" He said, emotionless. That was complicated, I had lost track of time.

"A few days?" I reply, questioning myself too. I finally got a chance to drink my coffee when Aku didn't reply. The lukewarm liquid soared down my dry dusty feeling throat, feeling refreshing- just what I needed. I finish it with a small gasp, and place it back down on its original place under my chair, "Nothing I can't handle." I half lied. I was exhausted now that I started to rest.

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